Nation of Wrestling

Burlington, IA
Main Event
Dave Jumper v. Rowdy Richie

The card starts off with Jason Richmond in the ring announcing that the #1 contendership tournament is actually a triple elimination tournament with the finals being held at the Fall Brawl Headliner event. It will determine the National Champion and the Bruiserweight Champion.

The first match of the Saw Tony Vasiliki defeat Mayhem.

Up next we saw Thor advance in the National Title portion of the tournament by defeating Rage Hammer.

The other Lord of Asgard Oden battled Donald Dodge Dodson. These two went back and forth but the end came when Dodson was distracted by two scantily clad men and he turned into a Ragnorak from Oden to take the loss.

Dick Shrader defeated Italian Roc to advance.

Backstage we see Vic Viceroy talking to NoW Heavyweight Champion CPL Punishment. He was asking him who he thought would win the #1 contender tournament and tried to convince him that if it came down to a battle with Richmond whose side would he be on? Punishment said he was getting bored waiting for a number one contender and challenged Viceroy to a match next week and if Viceroy won, he would consider joining Viceroy. Viceroy accepted.

Axel Kaiser battled Big Crazy yet. Axel took heavy punishment from the get go. Crazy threw him outside the ring and when the ref wasn't looking Kaiser nailed Big Crazy in the knee with the ring bell. He then went to work on the knee of Big Crazy and picked up the victory to advance to the final four.

Backstage we see the two men who distracted Dodson earlier, they introduced themselves as Armonia and Pace to El Serpentia de Liga. They said they were employees of Levi Carmina. They told El Serpentia that he was lucky to advance in the tournament after taking Levi's spot. El Serpentia replied to them in Spanish saying 'Su jefe es debil'.

El Serpentia used his speed to overcome the Judge as Pace and Armonia watched from ring side.

In the main event, two former heavyweight champions squared off. Rowdy Richie and Dave Jumper put on the best match in this short era of NoW. In the end Dave Jumper came out on top and completed out the final four of the tournament as Thrill went off the air.