Nation of Wrestling
Labor Day Highjack

River City Mall
Keokuk, IA
Main Event
CPL Punishment v. ?????

After the Labor Day Parade in Keokuk, IA, at the end of the parade route the NoW ring was set up in the River City Mall Parking Lot and a surprise NoW Card was started. The Thrill card for this coming Thursday played out right in the mall parking lot.

Richmond and Viceroy came to the ring and explained that these matches were the first round matches for a Heavyweight Title shot. 'God of Thunder' played and the Lords of Asgard came to the ring. Sue got in Richmond's face and was pissed that she was not in the tournament. Richmond said that Viceroy picked the tournament bracket and he had no part of it. He also pointed out that Viceroy eliminated her from the battle royal so obviously he had something against her. Viceroy said he had nothing against Sue in fact, he would give her a Heavyweight Title match against CPL Punishment tonight to show he had no hard feelings.

The card started off with Rowdy Richie squaring off with Tony Vasiliki. The former Heavyweight Champion advanced in the tournament after a hard fought match.

The next match saw The Judge defeat Oden after the Judge revered the Ragnorak into a cradle for a pin.

Axel Kaiser defeated Italian Roc to advance in the tournament.

Thor was defeated by The Tribunal Deathdealer.

Before the next match it was announced that Levi Carmina said that he would not be caught dead in a redneck town like Keokuk and he would come back to the NoW when they had cards in civilized towns. His spot in the tournament was taken by El Serpentia De Liga and he defeated Donald Dodge Dodson to advance in the tournament.

Dave Jumper defeated Mayhem.

Manslaughter defeated Rage Hammer.

The last man standing in the battle royal...Big Crazy, defeated Dick Shrader.

In the main event Sue and CPL Punishment squared off and all hell broke loose. The match ended in a no decision as The Lords of Asgard came to the ring.. they were attacked by the MoB and a brawl broke out. Rage Hammer came down to help CPL Punishment and then The Judge and The Tribunal Deathdealer came and cleaned house and the show ended with them staring down CPL Punishment and pointing that one of them was going to take that title off him.