1 - September - 2016

Memorial Auditorium
Main Event
Battle Royal for the Heavyweight Title
Opening Segment

The Event starts off with a beautiful woman named Lucina Metastapalees coming to the ring. She explains that in 2005 Jason Richmond lost full ownership to a wrestler named Instinct in a bet. Over the years of NoW he has allowed Richmond to run it but all along he has owned it. The need for the NoW to return was apparent but Instinct does not want to run it. Since Richmond is the creator of NoW and Vic Viceroy has offered financial assistance to the NoW many times over the year from now until the December to Dismember Headliner event, Richmond and Viceroy will be co-commissioners of NoW and at that event a new owner, either Richmond or Viceroy will be named. The new NoW talent was asked to vote for how they would like the new Heavyweight Champion will be decided. Two options gained the top votes with a Royal Rumble style match gaining the most votes. But since a tournament style match was also very popular, starting new Thursday a tournament will start to decide the National Champion and the Bruiserweight Title, the other titles in the promotion.

The Drawing of the numbers

Richmond and Viceroy are backstage with a fishbowl full of ping pong balls with numbers on them. The two co commissioners appear to play nice with each other as the talent parade through. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader are the first two to grab numbers. Up next is Tony 'The Spearman' Vasiliki. Mayhem as well as El Serpentina de Liga. Manslaughter adds an eerie feeling to the room as he takes his number. The team of Cpl Punishment and Rage Hammer, known as a RX come in and after they get their numbers they turn around to face The Judge and The Tribunal Deathdealer. The two teams stare each other down as Viceroy comments on how this crop of talent could be the best the tag division of NoW has ever had.

Up next Axel Kaiser gets his number, followed by the very flamboyant Levi Carmina. The southern Gentleman Donald Dodge Dodson gets his number next. After that, the Lords of Asgard, Thor, Oden and Sue come in. Richmond comments that Thor is the first ever NoW Heavyweight Champion where he won a match just like this, and while Oden and Sue have made appearances in every era of NoW that this is Thor's first time back since that first era. Oden steps in and says that Richmond shouldn't try to kiss their ass because he knows he's in a fight for power with Viceroy and is just looking for backup. At that time Rowdy Richie, Big Crazy, and Italian Roc come in. They two trios have a staredown and Oden tells them that while the MoB thinks they run this place they better realize that LoA have run this place for a long time and if they want to be the dominant stable in the NoW they will have to go through them. Rowdy Richie says that won't be a problem as they all three grab numbers.

The Room clears out and Richmond and Viceroy look in the fishbowl and there's 2 numbers left. Lucinda walks into the room and says history could happen sooner than we think...those two numbers are for Viceroy and Richmond...if one of them wins the battle royal, they are sole owner of the NoW. They choose their numbers and Richmond looks scared for his life as Viceroy grins with a look of total confidence.

Heavyweight Title Rumble

The match starts off with El Serpentia de Liga enters and Manslaughter enters are the unlucky two to start off the match. They go back and forth with the power of Manslaughter and the speed of El Serpenti on display.

Dave Jumper is the next man to come out and he is immediately double teamed by the first two competitors. They both try to get Jumper out but to no avail. Jumper is playing an avoiding contact game in an effort to let time run off the clock. Jumper isolates El Serpentia into a corner and moves out of the way of a splash from Manslaughter.

Dick Shrader comes out next and it becomes more obvious why Jumper was stalling for time. They double team El Serpentia but soon pair off with Jumper battling El Serpentia and Manslaughter and Shrader trading rights. El Serpentia hits a big hurricanrana sending Jumper through the second rope onto the floor but he is not eliminated.

Axel Kaiser comes down next and he grabs Jumper and throws him back into the ring. Manslaughter is body slammed by Shrader but is met by a dropkick from El Serpentia. Kaiser drops an elbow on the fallen Manslaughter as Jumper attacks El Serpentia. Jumper and Shrader double team El Serpentia but he skins the cat to save being eliminated.

Rage Hammer is next in the match and he comes and he comes in and cleans house. He big man drops everyone in the ring and is standing tall. He decides to focus his attention on Axel Kaiser as he picks him up and throws him into the corner with a buckle bomb. Meanwhile as other start to get up Jumper and Shrader continue their double teaming on Manslaughter

Mayhem makes his way down to the ring quickly and immediately goes over and hits Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader with a double clothesline. Dave Jumper grabs onto the top rope but Dick Shrader is eliminated. Axel Kaiser gets the advantage on Rage Hammer as Manslaughter and El Serpentia lock up again for the first time in this match since the beginning.

Oden enters the match on a Harley and everyone turns to stare at him as he does. Oden gets off the bike and knows immediately he is in trouble as it seems everyone is waiting his arrival. The whole crew of 6 in the ring team up on him and try as he might Oden is eliminated about 30 seconds after he gets into the match.

Levi Carmina comes dancing down to the ring and a frustrated Oden hits him with a Ragnorak before he even enters the match. Meanwhile in the ring the temporary alliance by all the members in the ring is done as Axel Kaiser throws former Heavyweight Champion Dave Jumperout and Mayhem eliminatesMansaughter.

Tribunal Deathdealeris the next to come down and he tangles up with the longest man in the match El Serpentia de Liga. Rage Hammer hits an impressive Gorilla Press slam on Axel Kaiser. Mayhem and Deathdealer are in the center of the ring now trading right hands back and forth.

Italian Roc comes out #11 of 21 marking the halfway point of the match. The first member of MoB to make it into the match comes in and targets El Serpintia De Liga like so many other have when they come in. Deathdealer gets the upperhand on Mayhem with a lariat clothesline. Axel Kaiser whips Rage Hammer into the turnbuckle as Levi Carmina finally picks himself up and slides himself into the ring.

Thor enters the ring and action once again stops. Thor shakes his head as he enters the ring and it's obvious that the field has decided to eliminate the Lords of Asgard at all costs. Thor hits the ring a ball of fire and starts throwing haymakers, knocking down Axel Kaiser, Levi Carmina, and Rage Hammer before being overpowered by the Deathdealer and Mayhem.

Jason Richmondcomes out next and surprisingly enough he sprints to the ring and starts immediately trying to pull people off of the God of Thunder Thor. Deathdealer knocks him away like a fly and Richmond goes tumbling across the ring. Mayhem, Rage Hammer, and Italian Roc team up to eliminate the outnumbered Thor. Deathdealer stalks Richmond and picks him over over his head and throws him completely over the announce table.

Rowdy Richie comes down comes down to the ring and hits El Serpentia de Liga with the train wreck. But Richie had a little bit too much momentum going and the big boot sent him and El Serpentia de Liga over the top rope.Rowdy Richie's own power and force unfortunately eliminated himself as well. Out of the ring Thor looks confused over the fallen Richmond trying to explain in his head why Richmond tried to help him. He turns and comes face to face with the obviously frustrated Rowdy Richie and the two stare each other down as the next competitor comes to the ring.

Sue comes to the ring next and gets between Richie and Thor and convinces Thor to head to the back. She gets into the ring and awaits the onslaught that the other members of the Lords of Asgard received but everyone is preoccupied. Rage Hammer has Mayhem in one corner while Levi Carmina and Axel Kaiser lock up in the center of the ring. Sue goes for Tribunal Deathdealer and kicks him in the thigh bringing him down to one knee. Italian Roc comes over to help Sue but she has none of it and hits him with a neckbreaker.

The Judgecomes out he and Tribunal Deathdealer immediately team up and eliminate Levi Carmina, Italian Roc, and Axel Kaiser within a matter of seconds. Mayhem and Rage Hammer go eye to eye with them in the center of the ring and start wailing away on each other. Sue sits back and watches the 4 other mean in the match beat on each other. Deathdealer gets the upperhand on Mayhem and Rage Hammer gets a sleeper hold on The Judge. The Judge counters with a jawbreaker and is met with a dropkick from Sue.

Big Crazy makes his way down to the ring and he's immediately met by a forearm smash from Rage Hammer. Mayhem then hits The Judge from behind and slams Sue hard to the mat. Deathdealer comes over to help the judge as he shoves Mayhem into the corner. Sue then goes back to attacking the Judge and she is met by a german suplex from Deathdealer. Big Crazy comes over and hits Deathdealer with a forearm of his own. The action is fast and furious with only 4 competitors left in he match.

Cpl Punishment comes down and immediately helps his tag team partner Rage Hammer who is having a battle with The Judge. Deathdealer comes over and RX is squaring off with the team they stared down during the number draw. Mayhem gets the upperhand on Sue in the corner. Big Crazy comes over and pulls Mayhem off Sue and lifts a left to try and eliminate him but Sue comes and starts hitting both men with hard right hands.

Donald Dodge Dodsoncomes down and starts nailing people with right hands until he gets to Sue he holds up short. The Southern Gentleman refuses to hit a woman and Sue grabs him by the hair and tosses Donald Dodge Dodson to the floor over the top rope. We have seven competitors in the ring and two left to enter. Team RX is teaming up on everyone but once again they are stopped short by Deathdealer and The Judge.

Tony Vasilikicomes down and starts spearing everyone in sight. He hits Mayhem with one and then Cpl Punishment and then Death Dealer. He pops up from a spear and he's grabbed by Rage Hammer and is hit with a big powerbomb. Mayhem gets hit with a running knee by Big Crazy and Crazy tries to eliminate him but he holds on. The clock ticks down and it's no surprise who our final competitor is.

Vic Viceroygets the luck of the last number and he cockily strolls to the ring. One of these 9 competitors will be the NoW Heavyweight Champion. Big Crazy knocks Mayhem and Rage Hammer to the mat with a double clothesline. Deathdealer and CPL Punishment continue to trade blows in the corner. The Judge gets Tony Vasiliki over the top rope and to the floor. Punishment gets some help from Rage Hammer and while the Judge was eliminating Vasiliki they eliminate The Tribunal Deathdealer The Judge realizes what happened and rushes over and starts wailing away on both members of RX. He throws Punishment to the mat and angrily picks up Rage Hammer and drops him over the top rope. Sue gets a chokehold on Mayhem and forces him over the top rope. CPL Punishment gets up and gets revenge as he eliminates The Judge. We are down to the final four. Sue, Big Crazy, CPL Punishment and Vic Viceroy. Sue goes after Big Crazy and Viceroy pairs off with CPL Punishment. Sue gets the upperhand on Big Crazy. Viceroy battles CPL Punishment and hits his finisher the Double V on him. He goes over and unceremoniously dumps Sue over the top rope. He turns around and hits the Double V on Big Crazy and Viceroy is firmly in control. Sue is visibly upset outside the ring but she notices Richmond is picking himself up from behind the announce table. She picks Richmond up and rolls him into the ring as Viceroy is hitting the rope and Viceroy trips on Richmond while Sue pulls the top rope down and Vic Viceroy tumbles to the arena floor and is eliminated. Sue pulls Richmond out of the ring and tosses Richmond over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and grins at Viceroy as she carries Richmond to the back.Inside the ring we are down to two. CPL Punishment and Big Crazy both get to their feet and they lock up. Big Crazy his a knee to the ribs of Punishment. He hits a Russian Leg Sweep and gets back up, fired up. He picks CPL Punishment back up and goes to grab him with a choke but CPL Punishment ducks it and bounces off the rope and hits a springboard stunner on Big Crazy. Crazy gets to his feet and trades rights with Punishment. Crazy gets the upperhand and throws Punishment over the top rope but he falls to the apron and does hit the floor! Punishment takes a boot from Big Crazy but the second one he grabs it in an ankle lock and gets to his feet. He drops a leg into Big Crazy picks him up to a vertical base. Punishment goes to whip Big Crazy but its reversed. Crazy follows it up with a clothesline but both men tumble over the top rope. CPL Punishment grabs the rope and holds on and Big Crazy lands on the floor.

CPL Punishment is handed the Heavyweight Title by Lucinda and he celebrates as we go off the air.