23 - July - 2012
Heavyweight Title Battle Royal

Admiral Coontz Armory - Hannibal, MO
A significantly larger crowd than what was on hand last night fills the Armory. It's obvious the word of last night's TV Title tournament has made it's way around the tri-state area as this crowd is hot for the Heavyweight Title Battle Royal! It's announced that there will be 10 competitors in the match and each one will enter every 5 minutes. The bell rings and the first competitor enters the fray!
The Hand comes to the ring dressed like he came right out of the 1800's Pennsylvania Dutch country!
The newly crowned TV Champion makes his way quickly to the ring and will have a long way to go tonight if he is going to be a double title holder here in the NoW. The Hand is taken aback by the quick aggression shown by Freddy Hero. Hero backs him into a corner and starts laying the boots into him. He whips the Hand across to the other corner and follows up with a big splash into the corner. Hero wrenches his arm hard and brings the hand down to a knee. The Hand tries to fight back with a few punches to the ribs but each time he connects one Hero wrenches the arm down tighter.

Hero brings The hand up to his feet and attempts to throw him out but The Hand gets some offense in with a few elbows to the jaw. He proceeds to land a hard kick to the midsection on Freddy and backs him into the corner land the hard shots to the ribs that he had already started working on. Hero fights out of the corner as the two exchange blows. Hero backs Hand into the center of the ring and they both start trading right hands as the crowd follows each one up with a loud "OH!". Hero finally dodges under a punch and back flips Hand down hard on the mat. He bounces off the rope and hits a leg drop.

Freddy Hero picks up The Hand and tries to throw him out once again. While a bit closer to success this time, the Hand locks his foot under the bottom rope. Hero kicks The Hand's foot away from the rope but the distraction causes the Hand to get the upper hand and whips Hero accross the ring and hits a drop kick on him knocking him to the mat. He goes to drop an elbow but Hero moves out of the way as both men are down on the mat. The clock starts winding down and we await our next entrant.

Jumper heads enthusiastically to the ring and slides under the bottom rope. He hesitates just a second at both men down on the ground and then decided to go after Freddy Hero landing the heel of his boot to his shoulder afew times before turning his attention to the Hand and keeping him down with a boot to the skull. He then works on the ribs of Freddy Hero that the Hand hand already worked on. He drills a few boots into Hero's ribs and Hero rolls towards the ropes trying to bring himself to his feet.

He was saved by The Hand as He locked a headlock onto Jumper and hit a running bulldog on him, bringing him to the center of the ring. He hits a splash on Hero in the corner then goes back and picks up Jumper and bodyslams him. He picks Jumper up and hits a big snap suplex on him. Hero is to his feet now but is kicked back into the corner by the hand as Hero holds his ribs. Jumper is trying to get up but The Hand is firmly in control of both of his opponents as he hits a running knee onto Dave. The Hand goes back to the corner and whips Hero towards dave and they both collide.

The Hand bursts out of the corner and hits a double clothesline on both of his opponents. He turns around and goes to do the same move again and both men drop their shoulders and do a double back flip dropping the Hand. Hero and Jumper lock up as the clock counts down and we get our next entrant.

Rowdy Richie comes slowly down to the ring, letting the action unfold in front of him. Jumper and Hero are still locked up as Richie goes after The Hand. The big man picks up the Hand and attempts to eliminate him as the resiliant Hand keeps a grip on the top rope like he was churning some butter! Hero gains some momentum on Jumper and lands some kicks on him before Jumper grabs his foot but Freddy Hero hits an enziguiri.

Then the NoW President Jason Richmond comes to the top of the ramp along with the two mystery men who attacked Dave Jumper last night after his match with Ivan Brezhnev. Along with him is a new NoW signee Mr. Pico. all four men come and surround the ring and it's noted that Dave Jumper defeated Richmond at the TV Title tournament and Richie and Hero made sure Richmond couldn't run out on his match. The three wrestlers hit the ring and go immediately after Dave Jumper beating him down throughly until Richmond tells them all that's enough and they retreat to the back.

Richie and Hero look on is disbelief as The Hand takes advantage of the situation and picks up Jumper, dumping him over the top rope.

Hero goes to eliminate the Hand but the Hand drops a shoulder and flips Hero over but hero lands on the apron and quickly slides beneath the bottom rope saving himself from elimination. The Hand and Richie each exchange a series of right hands that stagger both men back. Freddy Hero hits a dropkick on The Hand from behind propelling him into a huge clothesline from Rowdy Richie. Richie then hits a boot to the ribs on Hero and quickly powerslams him over audibly telling Hero 'sorry buddy' as the clock winds down and we get our next entrant.

RC Extreme Enters
RC Extreme, comes to the ring and we now have the two former NoW Heavyweight Champions in the ring. All three of the face goes after The Hand and he's having a hard time battling back. RC Extreme and Richie try to eliminate The Hand and Freddy Hero takes the advantage to extract a little revenge on Richie pulling him off the hand and whipping him into the corner and then hitting a low drop kick to the knees taking him down.

In a one on one fight with RC Extreme, The Hand saves himself from elimination and almost gets Extreme out in the process. Richie gets back to a verticle base and hits Hero with another big clothesline. He then turns his attention to the Hand and blindsides him with the 'Train Wreck' flipping The Hand out to the floor, eliminating him.

The Train Wreck left Richie's leg draped over the top rope and RC Extreme quickly grabs ahold of it and tries to eliminate him. Hero joins in but Richie lands a right hand on both of his opponents staggering them back. He goes after RC Extreme picking him up and throwing him into Freddy Hero in an impressive feat of strength. The clock starts ticking and we have our next combatant.
Y2Dodgico ENTERS
The speedy Y2Dodgico races to the ring, pushing the Hand out of his way as he makes his way to the ring. The Hand is visuably pissed but decides to save the fight for another day. Y2D comes into the ring quickly and hits a drop kick on Rowdy Richie. RC Extreme stops Y2D's momentum by hitting him with a dropkick of his own. Hero and Richie lock up again with Richie getting Hero into a headlock and then planting him to the mat with a DDT.

Extreme continues his attack towards Y2D getting him in an ankle lock but Y2D quickly gets to the ropes and kicks out of the hold.Richie has Freddy Hero up now and is trying to dump him over the top rope but Hero battles out with some quick strikes to the temple of the Rowdy one. Richie is forced to let the NoW TV Champion go as he is being pelted now with right hands from the resiliant Freddy Hero. Hero bounces off the far ropes and immediately goes after Y2D but is met with a knee to the midsection for his troubles.

Richie and RC Extreme lock up now with Richie having the obvious strength advantage as he lifts him into a vertical suplex. Y2D now is getting the upperhand on Freddy Hero in the corner, placing a boot directly at his throat. Freddy Hero battles back as the count down begins for a new competitor!

Professor Pain comes down slowly and watches as Freddy Hero is getting choked out in the corner. He seems in no hurry to get into the ring as Richie has the advantage over RCExtreme hitting him with a huge back breaker over his knee, then proceeding to stomp on him hard as he is on the ground.

Pain quickly slides into the ring and tosses Y2D aside and starts laying hard right hands into already worked on ribs of Freddy Hero. Hero battles back a bit, but a knee to the mid section doubles him over in pain and Professor Pain hits an elboe to the spine that puts him down on the mat. Pain then picks him up by his hair and tosses him over the top rope to the floor, extracting some revenge for his TV Title Tournament loss.

Y2D then goes after Rowdy Richie pulling him off of RC Extreme. This allows Extreme to charge at Pain and tackle him to the mat with a Lou Thesz press as backlash from the TV Title Tournament continues. Extreme lays a series of spirited right hands to the Professor trying to inflict the same pain that the chair shot on Sunday's card did. Richie picks up Y2D on his shoulder and hits a big running power slam across the ring that echoes throughout the Admiral Coontz Armory. The clock winds down and we get our next participant!
The Judge makes his way down to the ring next as the #8 entrant. He goes right after RC Extreme, backing up his claim that he will show RC Extreme what he can bring in the ring. Richie hits a clothesline on Professor Pain PhD and then picks him up for a powerful belly to belly suplex. Y2D comes across the ring and nails The Judge with a bulldog showing that he obviously has NO respect for the law!

RC Extreme comes over and starts helping Rowdy Richie in the beatdown on Professor Pain. Both men lay hard boots to him and he gets backed up into the corner. The double irish whip him across the ring and he slams into the far turnbuckle and hits his back hard onto the mat. Y2D runs over and tries to pin Professor Pain which gets a 'WTF are you doing' look from all the competitors in the ring.

Richie pulls Y2D off the Professor as RCExtreme gets on the top rope and hits a frogsplash onto the fallen Professor. The Judge goes back after Y2Dodgico and tries to eliminated him but Y2D staves off elimination. The clock rings down after 5 minutes have passed and we have our next combatant.

A chorus of boos radiates throughout the arena as the Big Russian enter the mix as #9. He comes into the ring and immiately everyone in the ring except Professor Pain comes after him. He lands right hands to RCExtreme, Rowdy Richie,and Y2Dodgico. He then picks The Judge up in a gorilla press slam and unceremoniously dumps him to the floor.

Ivan then turns around to RC Extreme charging at him. Ivan lowers his shoulder and back body drops him over the top rope. RCExtreme holds onto the top rope as his feet dangle but he skins the cat to stay in the match. Ivan charges and hits a big spear on Y2Dodgico. He stands up and is met with a big boot by Richie which staggers him backwards. The two big men lock up with neither one of them getting a distinct advantage until The Professor comes over and helds Brezhnev out by landing a double axehandle into Rowdy Richie. Richie turns and goes after Pain but is grabbed from behind by Brezhnev and thrown out onto the arena floor.
Richie slams his hands hard on the apron as Professor Pain and Ivan Brezhnev turn their attention to RC Extreme. Y2Dodgico stays back and catches his breath. With the elimination of Rowdy Richie RC Extreme has now been in the mtach the longest and he is being beat on by the two frestest men in the match. Each man takes their turn laying a boot into RC Extreme. They back up and Brezhnev whips Professor into RC Extreme in the corner. They back up and Professor Pain whips Ivan intot he corner but RC Extreme moves out of the way as the crowd pops. The clock clicks down as we await our final entrant into the match.
Creed hits the ring and goes right after Y2Dodigco. He whips Y2D across the ring hits a German suplex that makes the crowd pop loudly. He grabs Y2D and tosses him out to the floor.
Creed then heads over towards the big Russian and the two lock up. Brezhnev hits a knee to the mid section and then picks Creed up into a torture rack. Meanwhile RC Extreme and Professor pain are locked up Pain wrenches down on Extreme's lats and brings him to his knees. Extreme fights out with a shot to the ribs and then pushes Pain into the corner Pain powers outwith a hard elbow to the jaw. He goes to throw Extreme out RC uses Pain's momentum to propel him over the top rope and onto the floor.
Professor Pain is livid and he goes for a chair outside and heads back for the ring. Freddy Hero runs back to the ring and pulls Pain off the apron. The two brawl to the back as action continues in the ring.

RC Extreme and Creed go after Ivan Brezhnev and the big Russian hits head butt on Creed knocking him away. RC Extreme starts laying right hands to the skull of Ivan, but they have no effect on him. Brezhnev hits a running clothesline on both of his competitors and then picks up Creed to throw him out. Creed then locks on a head scissors on Ivan and propels him over the top rope but the strength of Brezhnev is too much and he throws Creed to the floor while still holding onto the top rope.

Brezhnev gets to his feet on the apron and mocks Creed. Suddenly RC Extreme hits a drop kick to Ivan and he hits the floor.

Commissioner Vic Viceroy comes to the ring and presents RC Extreme with the NoW Heavyweight Title and he celebrates as the crowd cheers him.
Entry Number Name # of eliminations Eliminated By Time in
1. The Hand 0 Rowdy Richie 23:17
2. Freddy Hero 0 ProfessorPainPhD 27:45
3. Dave Jumper 0 Rowdy Richie 8:18
4. Rowdy Richie 2 Ivan Brezhnev 28:17
5. RC Extreme 2 WINNER 32:03
6. Y2Dodgico 0 Creed 22:37
7. ProfessorPainPhD 1 RC Extreme 17:17
8. The Judge 0 Ivan Brezhnev 6:28
9. Ivan Brezhnev 3 RC Extreme 14:11
10. Creed 1 Ivan Brezhnev 8:11