21 - OCT - 2013
Azul v. RC Extreme

Hearnes Center

Columbia, MO

Fright Night
'Bye Bye Beautiful' by Nightwish is blaring as we open to the Hearnes Center in Columbia, Mo, home to the #5 Football team in all of college football the Missouri Tigers! The crowd is going crazy as we show a shot of our commentators for the evening Rebellion Online Wrestling Hall of Famer Johnny Waubonsie, and the Legendary Bud.

Waubonsie: Welcome to Fright Night!

[The crowd goes crazy.]

We have a full array of big matches tonight! All three of our singles titles will be defended! The Main Event of tonight's card will be Azul in his first title defense against a former World Champion RC Extreme.

Bud: As much as I like Azul, this is a tough test in his first title defense, multi-time champion RC Extreme!

Also in our opening bout, we get to see a Bruiserweight Match! Since this run of NoW we have not got to see a Bruiserweight Rules match and Brujah v. The Rev promises to be exciting!

Bruiserweight Bouts tend to get crazy and violent and I am sure these two won't disappoint!

We have received word that the ICON title match might be adjusted because of something that happened earlier today....let's go to the footage.

We see a shot of the parking lot at the Hearnes Center. Vic Viceroy pulls up in a green 2013 Stingray and gets out of his vehicle. He is immediately jumped by the two masked men who attacked RC Extreme a few weeks ago. They beat down Viceroy and one of the two men even connects with the Double V, Vic Viceroy's own move and leaves him laying in the parking lot.

Medical staff is attending to Viceroy right now and we will get you more information as it becomes available to us.

I hope Vic is alright! I am ready to see him defend that title!

It looks like the participants are coming down for our first match!

Bruiserweight Title Match

Brujah (c) v. The Rev

For those of you who do not know, The Rules for a Bruiserweight Match are as follows. Weapons are legal. You must use a foreign object and come off the top rope before you can score a pinfall to win a bruiserweight match. Here we go!

Brujah brings a chair into the ring immediately and clocks The Rev in the ribs with it. The Rev staggers backwards and then charges forward with a big clothesline and both men crash to the mat.

There's almost 14' of man in this match!

Both competitors stand at 6'11" they are two of the bigger men here in the NoW.

The Rev gets to his feet and grabs the chair. He plants in vertically into the middle of Brujah's back and throws it out of the ring. He then drops an elbow onto his fallen opponent. He then picks him up and whips him into the ropes. Brujah ducks and clothesline and comes off the far ropes and The Rev Connects with a back elbow that staggers Brujah back. The two men lock up and push each other off. They lock up again and The Rev picks his opponent up and slams him hard to the mat.

That's a 300 pound man slamming another 300 pound man!

Impressive show of strength by the Rev, but I am not sure he can get Brujah up into the Golgatha!

If he can put a torture rack on Brujah I will be impressed!

The Rev slides to the outside and grabs Brujah's leg and pulls him out with him. He goes to whip him into the post but Brujah reverses it and send The Rev crashing into the ring steps. Brujah goes back to the chair and tries to hit The Rev but the Rev ducks and the chair rattles out of Brujah's hand into the ringpost. The Rev slides back into the ring. As Brujah slides into the ring, The Rev grabs him in a headlock and does a spinning DDT after climbing to the top rope.

The Rev has came off the top rope AND used a foreign object, he is not eligible to record a pinfall and win the match!

The Rev goes for a pin and Brujah kicks out at two. The Rev goes to pick up Brujah in Golgatha but Brujah's weight is two much and he staggers and both men go flipping over the top rope and onto the floor.

Just like I predicted, he couldn't get him up into Golgatha!

I think technically I said that...

Yeah whatever...

Brujah on the offensive now as he found a kendo stick under the ring. He cracks it across the back of The Rev. The Rev used the ring apron to get himself to his feet. He dodges another kendo attack and it shatters against the ring. The Rev kicks Brujah in the stomach and he staggers back. The Rev picks up both sides of the kendo stick and smacks Brujah numerous times across the ears with it on with side of his head. Brujah is bleeding now and the Rev slides him back into the ring. He slides one of the broken pieces of stick across Brujah's neck and places all of his weight on his opponent. As Brujah is gasping for air, the Rev hits a big splash and pins his opponent 1...2....3.

The Rev is the new Bruiweight Champion!

What a great opening match up!

The Rev holds his newly won title high in the air as he heads to the back

RC Extreme wants some answers
We show #1 Contender RC Extreme walking in the back where Trainers are attending to ICON Champion Vic Viceroy.

Extreme: Good work Viceroy. Good work indeed. Sending your little cronies to 'attack' you to make it look like they have nothing to do with you so you can pull the wool over our eyes again huh? Well it's not going to work this time. You fooled everyone around here once, it's not going to happen again! I know you have something to do with their attack on me, and I have not forgot about it!

Viceroy looks up, obviously in pain, and glares at RC Extreme.

Viceroy: Your foolish pride is going to be the end of you Extreme. I don't know who these guys are. I don't know what they want. What I do know is this. I have NOTHING to do with them. They will be stopped. And if you keep running your mouth, after I am through with them. I am coming for you.

Come for me all you want Viceroy. I would call you a has been, but you were a never was. You never won shit in your career, you just used your money, influence, and that big mouth of yours to get what you want. I am going to get to the bottom of this...and if I find out you had Anything to do with it... your ass is done. They will have to wheel you in and out of that fancy little Club Chaos of yours.

Extreme bursts out of the trainers room as Viceroy continues to get worked on and shakes his head.

#1 contender for the ICON Title

Professor Pain v. Dreamwalker Deathdealer v. Gravewalker

The match starts off with all three men slowly circling each other. Then Deathdealer and Gravewalker make the first move and attack Professor Pain and double clothesline him over the top rope. The two then lock up and Dreamwalker gets the upperhand with a headlock on Gravewalker. Gravewalker reverses it into an armbar. Pain back into the ring now and hits a dropkick that staggers both men back.

This is our first of hopefully three triple threat matches tonight, and they are always exciting!

Yeah! You never know where an attack is coming from!

Gravewalker to his feet now and he grabs Professor Pain by his tie and ties it to the top rope and turns his attention to Deathdealer. But he turns right into a hand right hand by DD and then a follow up clothesline that sends Gravewalker to the outside. Professor Pain gets himself untied from the ropes but he hit with a brutal Front Russian leg sweep from Dreamwalker unexpectedly. He covers...1....2...3.

Wow! Dreamwalker Deathdealer is the #1 contender for the NoW ICON Championship!

Professor Pain was caught off guard and Dreamwalker hit that move out of nowhere! Professor Pain will remember that, he has a long memory and won't make that mistake again.

Backstage segement
We cut to a backstage shot of President Richmond backstage and he heads into the trainer's area. Vic Viceroy in there, taped up. Upon Richmond's arrival he stands up.

I want you to find these guys and I want them now.

Richmond: So you seriously have nothing to do with these guys?

No they just whipped my ass in the parking lot in case you didn't notice!

Well, I didn't know if you had something shady planned.

Well if that's not the pot calling the kettle black!

Well, you want these guys...I will try and make it work. I will see what I can do. You going to be able to go tonight?

I came here to fight, not to sit in the trainer's room. I am good to go.

Right to see what I can do about these masked men.

#1 Contender for the Bruiserweight Title

El Archangel v. Dick Shrader v. Magnus Force

It looks like our ICON Title match is on!

Hell yeah Vic Viceroy isn't going to lie down!

And Dreamwalker Deathdealer is waiting for the winner of that match!

And The Rev is waiting for the winner of this match! Another 3 way dance for the #1 contender to the Bruiserweight Title!

Interesting matchup here, the smallest and fastest of our roster against the biggest and two of the strongest!

The bell rings and El Archangel quickly slides to the outside. Magnus and Dick Shrader shrug their shoulders and lock up. Magnus pushes Dick away and they lock up again. El Archangel slides back into the ring and starts laying kicks to the legs of both combatants.

Someone swat that little fly away!

Shrader and Magnus turn and grab El Archangel and give him a hard double chokeslam.

That's more like it!

Shrader and Magnus both try to pin el archangel and they keep shoving each other off and breaking up the count. Magnus Force grabs El Archangel and hits the Maximum Force on him and tosses him to the outside and turns around into a big boot from Shrader. Shrader goes for a pin but Force gets a foot on the ropes. Both men to their feet now and they lock up. Shrader gets Magnus in a headlock but Magnus lifts him into an atomic drop and sends him out onto the arena floor.

What an impressive feat of strength by Magnus Force!

Force turns around and El Archangel is back in the ring now. He catches El Archangel mid air and hits a huge spinebuster on him, picks him up into the Magnus Force and pins him for the victory.

Magnus Force is your winner and new #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title!

Presidential Address

'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys plays and President Richmond comes down to a mixed reaction.

What's up Columbia, Missouri! Home of the #5 in the nation Missouri Tigers!!!

The crowd pops!

But I don't really care about that, I am a Notre Dame fan and we all know what would happen if Mizzou played than and exactly what is going happen if you make it to the SEC Championship'll get blown out by Alabama.

The crowd boos.

People, People....I said I was a Notre Dame fan....I know it's coming..that's all I am saying!
Sorry Sorry I just had to get you guys riled up a bit....I came out here tonight with good news. Good news indeed. Listen I have a few big announcements to make. One Month from today, on November 21, the new movie Hunger Games: Catching Fire is coming out...and in that following Monday....we are going to have a little Hunger Games of our own. It will be called 'Survival' and there will be a match on that card featuring 8 men. The 8 combatants will be placed around the arena...and then Survival begins. You must find your opponent anywhere in the arena and pin them or make them submit. It's a falls count anywhere match, one of the competitors will be the Heavyweight Champion he will have to Survive 7 other competitors to retain his title!

The crowd cheers.

Oh and that's not all... starting next week, we will start an 8 team tournament to determine the new NoW Tag Team champions.. The first round will include... Brujah and Gravedigger vs. Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader, Big Crazy and Rowdy Richie vs. Magnus Force and Professor Pain PhD, CPL Punishment and Aczyd v. The Rev and El Archangel... and that leaves us two teams left. My thoughts are this...a few times in the last month some unknown men have been breaching my security, and I applaud them for that... but it has to stop. But here's the deal...I like your style. So to these two masked men, if you can go in the ring like you can attacking people...I would like to see it. I offer you two a contract.... and your opponents in the first round of the tag team tournament.. Vic Viceroy and RC Extreme! So what do you boys say?

Richmond turns towards the entrance ramp but nothing happens until we hear a voice over the speakers.

Voice: Very, Very interesting....

Richmond looks around and finds the two men placed high up in the cheap seats.

We will accept your little challenge Richmond... but no names will be given, at least not yet. We will fight your so called 'stars' but they will not know who we are until the time is right... do we have a deal.

Richmond grins and shrugs his shoulders.

Most definitely...and even though they cannot stand each other... by the way I know RC Extreme and Vic Viceroy feel about you too....I would say we are in for a hell of a ride next week!

Well there you have it! Our next Headline event will be 'Survival' and it will feature a one of a kind match for the Heavyweight Championship! And also on that card we will crown new Tag team champions and that tournament starts next week!

#1 Contender for the Heavyweight Title
CPL Punishment v. Dave Jumper

The last time we saw these two square was at Final Fight and Dave Jumper had to pass out to lose the match!

An Absolutely insane match I am ready for the rematch!

The match starts off with the two competitors circling each other. The go to lock up and Dave Jumper ducks it and delivers a quick German Suplex. He drops an elbow and then starts to climb the top rope, but dismounts as he sees CPL Punishment getting to his feet. Punishment charges into the corner and starts laying right hands into Jumper.

This match is starting off hot!

Just as we expected.

Punishment in control now as he whips Jumper to the far corner and follows it up with another splash and a series of right hands. Jumper reverses it and puts Punishment into the corner and delivers some right hands of his own. Jumper goes back and delivers a dropkick to Punishment as he staggers out of the corner. Jumper goes for the 'Jumping the Shark' but Punishment gets out of it and slides to the outside.

Jumper looking to end it early!

Jumper is a proud man, he's always looking for retribution.

The two men are back in the ring now and they circle each other again. They lock up and Jumper goes for a headlock but CPL Punishment reverses it into the Military Stretch!

CPL Punishment has his submission maneuver locked in, right in the middle of the ring!

Last time he was in this he passed out and lost the Heavyweight Title!

Jumper screams in agony and then uses an amazing amount of strength to get CPL Punishment up onto his shoulders and hit 'Jumping the Shark' and pins him 1....2....3.

Dave Jumper is the new #1 contender for the Heavyweight Title!

Jumper is back on track after a mini losing streak! Whoever wins tonight will have to be looking over their shoulder for Dave Jumper.

Jumper and Dick Shrader celebrate as they head to the back.

ICON Title match

Vic Viceroy (c) v. Acyzd v. Rowdy Richie

The Bell rings and Richie immediately goes after Viceroy and Viceroy slides to the outside. Richie gets caught with a dropkick from behind by Acyzd.

Richie got caught there!

Richie needs to watch himself. His personal animosity towards Vic Viceroy could get him in trouble here!

Viceroy gets into the ring and gets Aczyd into a sleeper hold and Richie bounces off the ropes and nails both men with the Train Wreck!

Aczyd caught the blunt of that, but don't think it didn't hurt Viceroy two!

Richie could have ended this one early!

Richie goes for a pin on Viceroy.1...2..kickout. He turns his attention to Aczyd, 1....2.. kickout again. Richie slams his hands down on the canvas.

Richie thought he had it won too!

The Train Wreck is a lethal move, but it might be a bit early in the match for that!

Viceroy gets up and goes to hit the Double V on Richie, but Aczyd comes and hits the Aczyd Drop on Viceroy he goes for the pin 1..2.. broken up by Richie!

We almost had a new champion!

Viceroy wouldn't let it go down like that!

Richie dispenses of Aczyd with a huge clothesline over the top rope and he spills out onto the arena floor. Viceroy is getting to his feet, but Richie bounces off the ropes and levels Viceroy with a Train Wreck. He covers 1....2.....3.

Rowdy Richie is the NEW ICON CHAMPION!!!

He needed Aczyd's help tho!

Oh we definitely haven't seen the last of Aczyd and Vic Viceroy as contenders for the title!

Heavyweight Title Match

Azul (c) v. RC Extreme

RC Extreme and Azul stare each other down and then start exchanging right hands!

Here we go!

Can RC Extreme make it three for three with title changes tonight!?

Azul I think has something to say about that!

It's a classic youth v. experience match up!

Azul gets the upper hand and whips Rc Extreme into the corner and starts laying right hands on him. He picks him up and slams him. He goes for an elbow drop and RC Extreme slides out of the way. Extreme kicks Azul's legs out from under him. He continues the assault by dropping a series of elbows on the champion and then gets him into an armbar. Azul reverses it and the two men circle each other again.

It's a stalemate!

Neither man can get the upper hand.

That is what a stalemate is you idiot!

Azul grabs RC Extreme and goes for Massaker but RC Extreme counters it with a head scissors sends that sends Azul to the floor. He then runs and hits a high crossbody over the top rope and both men are out on the floor.

Its chaos!

As much as I like Azul, you're not going to beat the only NoW Grandslam Champion RC Extreme that quickly!

That's right. It went a bit unnoticed, but RC Extreme is a Grandslam champion. He was a tag team champion with Blade. He is the longest raining Intercontinental Champion which is now the ICON Champion. He was a TV Title holder which is now the Bruiserweight Title. And he won the NoW Heavyweight Title and could do it again tonight!

The action continues on the outside, but Azul has the upperhand. He slams RC Extreme hard onto the announce table.

Better get your ass up Waubonsie, you might get hurt.

ME? I made the finals in the RoW Blood Sport tournament! You're an old man!

I am just saying you're a little fragile. Mentally.



Azul, slides into the ring to break the count and slides back out. RC Extreme has come back to his senses and hits a big chop into the chest of the champion and hits the Extreme Dream on Azul.

That's huge! But Azul is on the outside. Can't win the title on the floor!

You're right, Azul is a big man, he has to get him into the ring.

RC Extreme gets on top of the announce table and hit a flying elbow onto Azul. He then slides into the ring and breaks the count again and starts kicking the ribs of the champion.

This match is more on the outside than the inside!

RC Extreme gets back in the ring, and the count gets to 8 and goes back out and Azul is to his feet now. RC Extreme goes to whip Azul back into the ring, but Azul reverses it and RC Extreme's back slams into the ring apron. Azul charges and hits a splash onto RC Extreme against the apron. He slides RC Extreme into the ring and gets back in. He goes for the Zerstyrer but RC Extreme gets out of it, and hits another Extreme Dream. He goes for the pin. 1....2.....3.

RC Extreme is the new Heavyweight Champion!

It took two Extreme Dreams to do it!

RC Extreme is handed the title and as soon as he holds it up he is attacked by the two masked men. They hit a vicious high low double team on the new champion. Vic Viceroy runs down to make the save as the masked men escape through the crowd with the Heavyweight Championship. RC Extreme and Vic Viceroy head after them as Fright Night goes off the air!