NoW is the Time
24 - September - 2012
RC Extreme (c) v. Dave Jumper

Hearnes Center
Columbia, MO
NoW is the Time
'NoW is the Time' by 10 Days plays throughout the Heanres Center as the crowd begins to cheer.]

Voiceover: Time....sometimes it punishes you....other times it's on your side.... but for 1 Nation of Wrestling Superstar....NoW is the time!!

Images of the 5 participants in the NoW is the Time Ladder Match flash on the screen.

The Hand... in recent weeks this man has been on an aggressive streak like none other in NoW history. He has put Y2Dodgico, Creed, and Ivan Brezhnev on the shelf until who knows when. Why the desire to injure people? Perhaps it's because he enjoys it....perhaps he knew this event was coming up and wanted to take out competition? Is NoW the Time for the Hand?
Rowdy Richie, a man who has been in various wrestling promotions, he has made himself into one of the most popular wrestlers ever to step foot into the Nation. He's big, he's tough, is NoW the time for Rowdy Richie?

Mr. Pico James Da Gallo III... brash, bold, and cocky. Mr. Pico comes into this match with a lot to prove. It seems that recently he has made an alliance with NoW President Jason Richmond. Will this be the extra push he needs to take him to the top? Is NoW the time for Mr. Pico?
A Power Struggle is happening over who has booking power in the Nation of Wrestling. President Richmond and Commissioner Vic Viceroy have decided to hand pick a competitor in this contest, if their man wins, they will have supreme booking power in the NoW without interference from the other. Is NoW the time for Vic Viceroy or Jason Richmond?

Dick Shrader, Vic Viceroy said he picked Shrader just to piss Richmond off, but Viceroy's pick was based much deeper than that. Shrader is one of the most muscular, powerful, and packed with potential competitors ever to step foot in the Nation of NoW the time for Dick Shrader?

Oden... the most intriguing participant in this contest is one of the most intriguing men in NoW History. Of all people, Oden is Richmond's hand picked contestant. In every version of NoW we've seen Oden. In every previous edition of NoW we've seen Oden making Richmond's life a living hell. But it seems that Oden owes Richmond a debt of some sort, how much we don't know. Is NoW the Time for Oden?

5 men, one goal, one clock hung above the ring. The man who can retrieve this clock will have a title shot, any title, any time.... NOW IS THE TIME!!!

We are introduced to the PPV Announce team of Rebellion Online Wrestling Hall of Famer, Johnny Waubonsie, and the constant color commentator of the Nation of Wrestling, Bud.

Waubonsie: Welcome to the Hearnes Center in Columbia, MO for NoW is the time! It's a pleasure to be here with the man who has been with the NoW since the beginning, Bud!

Bud: Yep, great to be here, great to be here, even if it is in a own who will probably never see a conference Football win ever again!

The pro Mizzou crowd boos Bud as he takes a drink and puffs on his cigar.

Bud, I am not sure they let you smoke in here.

Sure they do, it's Missouri.

Well it's good to be back in the Wrestling business. I know I've missed it. What have you been up to Bud, I hear tell you've developed a bit of a drinking problem.

I don't really see it as much of a problem there J Dubya.

We've got a great card lined up for you all tonight, all three NoW titles on the line, as well as the NoW is the Time ladder match. Who do you have as the winner of that match Bud?

Well I have to say I like Mr. Pico. He has a chip on his shoulder and I like that. I hear lately you've been feeling the ruthless aggression of the Hand Johnny?

No Bud, I haven't been in the ring in years.

Wasn't talking about the wrestler there pal.

Alright! and with that let us get to our first match of the night, it's for the Nation of Wrestling Bruiserweight Title, The Judge vs. Professor Pain PhD!

Bruiserweight Title Match
The Judge v. Professor Pain PhD
Professor Pain and The Judge lock up and Pain gets The Judge into a quick headlock.

The Bruiserweight Division is like none other in the sport. No countouts, and all foreign objects are legal. In fact in order to win the match, a competitor MUST use a foreign object and come off the top rope. NoW fans love it because it combines a hardcore style with a cruiserweight feel to it!

And because it's usually the best shot they'll get to see somebody's fuckin' head get taken off!

[Pain gets back into the corner by the Judge who starts unloading right hands into the midsection. Professor Pain pushes out immediately goes to the outside and grabs a chair. The Judge meets him on the outside with a big shoulder block causing Professor Pain to drop the chair. The Judge picks up tha chair and immediately cracks the Professor over the head with it, causing him on stumble back onto the ring steps.]

That's what I am talking about!

The Judge sticks his boot into the throat of Pain and pins him down to the ring steps. Professor Pain eventually lands a knee to the groin to escape the hold. He then picks up the chair and goes to hit The Judge with it but the attack is avoided as the Judge retreats into the ring.]

Looks like The Judge is playing a cat and mouse game with the Professor.

Yeah and it's really pissing him off!

By the time Professor Pain gets back into the ring, the Judge is climbing up to the top rope. Pain climbs the top rope as well and hits a back body drop onto the canvas. Professor Pain wanted to go for a pin, but quickly realizing he hadn't used a weapon yet and drops a hard elbow on The Judge.]

Professor Pain hasn't used a weapon yet, which is very uncommon for him!

Yeah the Judge has been avoiding it well.

[The Judge rolls out of the way of another fury induced elbow and Pain hits the canvas hard. The Judge then slaps on a figure four leg lock in the center of the ring.]

A rare submission manuever in a Bruiserweight Match!

Yeah usually we just see people beating the hell out of their opponent to get the win, let's see if Professor Pain taps.

Pain let's out a powerful scream and manages to power out of the manuever and actually turn it into an ankle lock which The Judge quickly gets out of. Professor Pain then hits a clothesline on the Judge, propelling him onto the arena floor. Pain continues on the attack, whipping the Judge into the ring post. He then goes over and grabs the ring bell and clobbers his challenger with it.]

Pain can now record a pinfall!

And once again Richmond has partnered me with a genius.

[Professor Pain then slides the Judge back into the ring, but as soon as he gets in the now bloodied Judge sets him up for 'the Gavel' Professor Pain reverses it and hits a reverse neck breaker, gets up and lands an elbow to the skull for good measure and then pins his opponent, 1.....2.....3.]

Professor Pain PhD retains! And if this is an indication how the rest of the night is going to go we are in for a treat!

Nothing but the best from the Nation of Wrestling!

Kinder, Gentler
We head backstage to see President Richmond, The Irish Car Bombs, and Mr. Pico walking up to Oden and Sue.

Richmond: Oden, Oden, Oden. We haven't really got a chance to talk since you've been back. And I am sure where you were at they didn't have access to NoW programming. I want you to succeed tonight. I want you to succeed here in the NoW. I know we've had our differences in the past. But it's just that, the past. But the facts are the facts and with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You got in some trouble, I got you out of thise trouble. Now...I am in some trouble with Viceroy. You win this match, you get me out of this trouble, and we're even.

Pico looks obviously upset at the mention of Oden winning the match, but keeps his mouth shut. Oden takes a step forward and looks down on the more than a foot shorter NoW President. Oden:

I am the most decorated competitor you've ever had in this company. I have held every championship you've had here except this new ICON title. I am the ICON around here. I will win this match. Not because you made this oh so inspirational speech. I'll do it for me.

Oden cracks open a bottle of Jack and Richmond goes to take it out of his hand and Oden has a deathgrip on it.

Ya know what, until this little matter with Viceroy gets settled, no drinking for you.

I'll rot in Nastrond first.

Oh no need for that....I can make a call and you can rot somewhere else first.

Oden looks at the bottle, looks at Richmond and then looks back at Sue who is giving him a look saved only for Oden in times like these. Oden lets out a low grumble and lets go of the 59 oz. bottle that he would have no doubt finished before the ladder match and storms off.

ICON Title Match
Freddy Hero (c) v. Magnus

Looks like Richmond has Oden right where he wants him.

You poke a caged animal enough, that animal will find a way out and destroy you. Richmond and Oden go back as far as the NoW goes back, he of all people should know how dangerous he is.

Well if Oden wins tonight, Richmond says all is even. We'll see if he'll hold his word.

Richmond is a lot like Rumplestiltskin. He'll make deals all day long, he will always keep them, but there's always a catch.

Didn't Rumplestiltskin steal babies too?

And isn't Richmond a cradle robber?

Good Point sir, good point.

I wonder what he's going to do with that bottle.....

Magnus's music plays and the massive challenger for the ICON Championship comes to the ring for his title match. Freddy Hero comes out to cheers from the crowd, but Freddy Hero is not his usual jovial, fan friendly self.

Freddy Hero just seems off tonight.

And Magnus looks like he could rip the head off a rhino.

Freddy Hero hands the ICON championship to the referee and we're underway. Magnus comes out of the corner with a huge clothesline that about flips Freddy Hero over. He picks Freddy Hero up and whips him into the ropes and hits a big spinebuster on him in the center of the ring. He picks Hero up again, whips him hard into the ropes and nails him with a high knee. He picks Freddy Hero up and slams him hard to the mat..pinfall...1....2.....3.

And just like that Magnus is the 2nd ICON Champion in history.

And in rather decisive fashion!

NoW is the Time Ladder Match
Rowdy Richie v. Oden v. Mr. Pico v. Dick Shrader v. The Hand
We go to a image of a clock hanging from the ceiling. The Letters N-O-W are in place of the 9, 12, and 3.

This could be one of the biggest matches in NoW history. Not only is booking power for the NoW on the line, but this also gives power to one man over who is the Heavyweight Champion. The winner of this match can challenge a champion any time, any place. That pretty much gaurantees they will win the match if they play their cards right.

So they can challenge the champ after they just fought in a brutal match and are prone for the taking?


They can challenge while the champion is asleep!?

I suppose so.

They can challenge the champion when he is wasted at the bar?


That's some bullshit.

Well then...NoW is the time!

Forrrrrr BullSHIT!

All five competitors are in the ring and there are four ladders set up around the ring and one huge ladder on the entrance ramp. The bell rings and Rowdy Richie immediately goes after the Hand.

Looks like Richie is none to happy with the Hand since he put his fellow M.O.B. Squad member on the shelf!

Mr. Pico motions for Oden to help him team up on Dick Shrader. Oden grabs Pico by both shoulders and tosses him out of the ring and then motions to Shrader and yells. 'Let's do this big boy' The two lock up and Shrader gives Oden a shove, not enough knock him down but definitely enough to knock him back. He flexes and let's out a scream which prompts Oden to bust him right in the mouth with a few right hands.

Meanwhile Rowdy Richie has thrown the Hand to the outside where he is met by a crescent kick from Mr. Pico. Richie goes to the outside and brings a ladder into the ring. He hits both Oden and Shrader with it knocking them both down.

Rowdy Richie with the early advantage!

Richie starts to climb the ladder but he is quickly met by Mr. Pico. Richie grabs Pick as he is half way up the ladder and hits a powerbomb to the mat!

OOOOOO that took almost as much out of Richie as it did out of Pico. All 5 men are down!

With 3 big men in this match, it could take awhile till we have a victor! They can put some massive blows on the smaller guys, but it will take them longer to get to that clock.

The Hand shoves one ladder through the middle rope and locks it into one of the rungs of the middle ladder, creating a bridge. He then gets up and Irish whips both Oden and Shrader into it, knocking them both down.

That's some Amish enginuity right there!

The Hand starts climbing up the ladder but Oden grabs the bridge and picks it up causing the main ladder to tip and the Hand go spilling out to the arena floor.

Oden then turns around to a big shoulder tackle from Dick Schrader that knocks the big man off his feet. He then turns around into a Huge boot from Rowdy Richie that he calls the Train Wreck. Richie then gets hit with a big drop kick off the top rope that sends Richie out to the floor through the second rope.

Mr. Pico is the only man standing!

Pico quickly sets up the ladder and starts to make the climb but he is met by The Hand who has made his way back into the ring. The two men battle on the ladder and Rowdy Richie comes in and grabs them both off. He hits a buge clothesline on the Hand which send both men spilling to the floor. Oden gets into the ring and starts to climb the Ladder. He is met by Mr. Pico who stops him and Oden says 'well so much for being on the same team.' And he hits the Ragnorak from 10 feet up in the air, planting Mr. Pico on his face. A 'Holy Shit' chant breaks out and Dick Shrader makes his way up the still standing ladder in the center of the ring. Shrader makes his way up as all four men start to crawl towards the ladder but Shrader makes quick work of the screw holding the clock in place and becomes the first NoW is the Time winner!

Dick Shrader has done it!!!! The NoW rookie gets a title match any time, any place!!

And this has to be a relief to Dave Jumper, if he can upset RC Extreme tonight, he'll have a DOUBLE insurance policy!

Yes, it would be nice for Jumper if he wins to know he doesn't have to worry about the clock being cashed in on him. And to top it all off, FULL booking power now goes to Vic Viceroy.

Not so kind and gentle
Backstage we see President Richmond and he is livid backstage, tearing up his office as the Car Bombs try to calm him down. Vic Viceroy steps in and Richmond calms himself and takes a deep breath.

Mr. Viceroy....congratulations, a deal is a deal. You power over the NoW.

Viceroy: Well thank you Mr. Richmond.. you're a man of your word. I heard Bud compared you to Rumplestiltskin tonight....he forgot to mention ole Rumpy was also an imp.

Viceroy pats the vertically challenged Richmond on top of the head. Richmond irritantly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cigarette and lights it up.

Can't smoke in here sorry.

Hey it's still my company and this is Missouri!

Viceroy takes the cigarette and breaks it in half.

Columbia has a smoking ban Prez.

Viceroy walks away laughing as Richmond steams.

Heavyweight Title Match
RC Extreme (c) v. Dave Jumper
RC Extreme has been pretty defiant as of recent. Touting that he is the Heavyweight Champion and thus everyone else is below him.

Well Johnny he's held the title for 63 days...if he can defend here tonight, he will be the second longest reigning champion of all time. And if he holds it two weeks....he'll hold the longest title reign, it would be hard to argue he's not the greatest of all times.... behind Scott Evans of course.

God Lord man Evans hasn't competed here since 2001! Will you get off it already?!?

He's just so awesome.

The match comes begins and Jumper is without Dick Schrader as he just competed in a brutal match.

Looks like Shrader has to go this one on his own.

He's fully capable.

RC Extreme cockily avoids contact with Jumper as the two circle each other.

With the amount of ego down here I am not sure there's room for Schrader.

You need attitude to be a champion. When you were at the top of your game you're telling me you were never cocky.

Not the cocky one that these two have.

Well sorry everyone can't be the tried and true babyface that Johnny Waubonsie is!

The two men finally hook up and RC Extreme gets his challenger in a headlock. Jumper pushes him into the ropes and they both collide with neither man moving. Jumper bounces off the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Extreme, comes off the far ropes and Extreme leap frogs him. Jumper takes a third bounce off the ropes and Extreme is set up for the Extreme Dream and Jumper wisely stops himself by holding onto the ropes.

Whoa! That could have been trouble early!

RC Extreme cockily smiles and backs Jumper into the corner. Jumper powers out and they lock up. RC Extreme with a take down, into a neck scissors but Jumper wisely turns it into a bridge and gets RC Extreme's shoulders to the mat for a one count. Extreme quickly to his feet and they lock up again. Extreme with a hip toss and Jumper raises his feet to pop Extreme in the jaw. Extreme reels back as Jumper gets quickly to his feet. He picks RC Extreme up into the torture rack but Extreme quickly wiggles out.

Both men set up for their finishers early, but they've obviously scouted each other!

Both men at a vertible base and Jumper comes up to Extreme and is met by a knee to the gut. Extreme on the offensive now as he hits a quickly snap suplex and then picks him up into a quick German Suplex. Extreme drops and elbow and goes for a pin but Jumper gets a reverse cradle in for a pin but Extreme kicks out. Jumper now with a snap mare on the champion. A quick Belly to Belly suplex after Extreme gets back to his feet and Jumper is in business. He whips Extreme into the ropes and hits a rolling roundhouse onto the Baltimore Ravens fan.

Jumper stays on the offensive. He hits a sidewalk slam on the Champion and then starts stomping on the left knee of Extreme. Extreme battles back kicking Jumper in the knee with his right boot. Both men to their feet and Jumper gets back the momentum getting RC in a full nelson slam and then picking him up on his shoulder and hits the jumping the shark!


This one could be over.

An excited Dave Jumper covers 1.....2....kickout! Jumper slams his hands on the mat and goes for a cover again....1....2.. kickout. Jumper is frustrated and goes for a running neck breaker and Extreme counters it slamming Dave quickly to the mat. Extreme then hits an arm drag and then gets Jumpers arm behind his back and works it into a slam. Extreme then whips jumper into the ropes and hits the Extreme Dream! He covers 1....2..... KICKOUT

Jumper kicked out! Both men have kicked out of each other's finishers!!

Jumper rolls to the outside and here comes Dick Shrader with his ribs taped up from his match earlier but with the clock in hand.

Here comes the insurance policy!

Is he going to cash in now!!?

Doesn't look like it, just looks like he's coming down in support of Jumper.

RC Extreme is motioning for both men to come into the ring but only Jumper does. He sucks a punch from Extreme and tackles him to the mat. He gets up and whips him into the ropes and jumps into the corner and nails a kick to the back of the head of RC Extreme! He then applies a figure four leg lock onto the champion!

Smart strategy by Jumper, wear the champ down before making his strike.

Extreme fights his way to the ropes and Jumper is forced to break the hold. Extreme gets into the corner and Jumper charges and Extreme moves out of the way, Jumper staggers back after hitting the turnbuckle. Extreme goes for a roll up but Jumper quickly kicks out. Extreme whips Jumper into the ropes and hits a fallaway slam on him. Extreme with another elbow. He picks Jumper up and whips him into the ropes and nails him with a codebreaker. Extreme is setting up for the Extreme Dream as Jumper tries to remember where he is.

This could be the beginning of the end!

Jumper gets to his feet. He goes for the Extreme Dream but his knee gives way thanks to the figure four from earlier and he stumbles allow Jumper to duck the kick and get Extreme up so he can hit the Jumping the Shark. He covers....1.....2......3.

Dave Jumper is the new Heavyweight Champion!

A Big night for Him and Shrader as they win the top two matches of the night!

Viceroy is the only booker in the NoW and we have the sports new powers in Jumper and Shrader! The balance of Power has shifted in the Nation of Wrestling. Thank you all for tuning in!

Jumper celebrates with his new title as Shrader applaudes him in the back ground.]