20 - Aug - 2012
RC Extreme v. Rowdy Richie

Oakley Lindsey Center
Quincy, Il
At the beginning of ever new Nation there is always a struggle for power.

This new Nation is no different. With RC Extreme and Freddy Hero emerging from the pack to be champions after Genesis the balance of power was immediately tested. Some Factions have even come and gone since these early power struggles. But the MOB Squad vs. the Champions has waged on. The outcomes are yet to be determined, but with the Double Main Even set for the ICON and Heavyweight thing is for certain.

There will be MASS DESRUCTION!

Dave Jumper v. The Judge
Bruiserweight Title Match
The first Bruiserweight Champion was crowned in the opener for Mass Destruction as the Judge squared off with Dave Jumper in a crowd that got the Oakley Lindsey Center hoppin!

The Match started off very techinical with a fairly long series of chain wrestling with no wrestler gaining the upperhand. Dave Jumper introduced the first weapon into the mat as he used a trashcan lid he found under the ring to beat on the Judge on the outside. Judge was able to get the lid out of the possession of his adversary and uses it to get Dave Jumper off of him enough to get back in the ring.

The Judge then goes on the offensive. Laying the boots to Jumper after a big German suplex that surprised the Pacific, MO native. The Judge then mounted the top rope and came off with an elbow onto Jumper. He went for a pin but Jumper kicked out.

Jumper started gaining momentum but every time he tried to get to the top rope he was thwarted by the Judge who was fighting hard to make sure Jumper didnt' meet the second requirement for getting a pinfall in a Bruiserweight bout. The Judge took advantage, hoisting Jumper on his shoulder for a big running powerslam. Judge with a pin attempt again but Jumper kicked out. After the Match Judge had no time to celebrate his victory as the Car Bombs hit the ring to attack Jumper. But before the assault could begin, an unknown man came in to make the save and he and Jumper chased the Car Bombs off. It appears Dave Jumper's backup has arrived.

The World Champ Speaks
Earlier today a camera crew caught up with Nation of Wrestling World Champion RC Extreme arriving for the event later tonight where he will defend his Title against Rowdy Ritchie in a match where the stipulations are still unknown.

RC: I know exactly why you are here, you, like everyone else wants to know what stipulations I have selected for tonight’s main event. Well you, just like everyone in this company, from the big shot in the monkey suit running the show to the scrub janitor nobody remembers, will just have to wait until the main event to find out just what I have in mind, and that includes my “illustrious” challenger.

With a cocky smirk RC makes his way passed the camera crew, gym bags and Heavyweight Title in hand.

Y2D vs. The Hand
The next match had been brewing with The Hand since the initial Genesis Battle Royal when Y2D bumped into him on his way to the ring.

The Hand came out relentless against Y2D pummeling him. Y2D got a quick upperhand but tried to drive a shoulder into The Hand in the corner and ended up driving his shoulder into the ring post. It seemed as Y2D had seperated his shoulder and The Hand took advantage of this situation slapping on a cross arm breaker on hy2D and he quickly tapped out.

The Hand earned a Bruiserweight Title opportunity on next week's Fusion. Y2D was favoring his shoulder on the way to the back.

Mr. Pico is someone who talks a lot. Magnus Force is someone who likes to shut people up. Magnus started off hot whipping Pico hard into the rope and hit a high knee on Pico. Pico gain the advantage after ducking a clothesline and hitting a drop kick on Force.

Mr. Pico kept talking smack to Magnus Force and this seemed to fuel his competitor. Force would try for a power move only to be iluded by Mr. Pico. The Match spilled onto the floor and both men going back and forth and eventually they reached a double countout.

After the match was called the two men continued brawling to the back as it seems this mini rivalry just took a little bit of escalting.

Professor Pain PhD v. Ivan Brezhnev
The two former tag team partners faced off after they have shown in recent weeks that they are not good at working with others. The crowd was hot booing both of these men.

It was the power of Brezhnev vs. the intellect of Pain. Brezhnev started off hot using his power over Pain. Pain tried everything he could to get the big man off his feet but the big Russian kept coming. He grabbed ahold of Pain's tie and tied him to the turnbuckle and started beating on him. But suddenly Pain has slid out of his tie and wrapped it around Ivan's wrist and he had the upperhand. He then took full advantage of the situaion, wearing down thenow trapped Brezhnev, laying boots into his knee.

By the time Brezhnev got free the damage was done as Professor Pain picked him apart, eventually hitting a a DDT off the top rope and gaining the pin.

After the match was over, Professor Pain took out a red marker and made an F on Brezhnev's forehead.

Freddy Hero (c) v. Creed
ICON Championship Match
It was announced before this match by Freddy Hero that this would be a no DQ Falls Count anywhere match. The match didn't take long to get to the outside as the two competitors battled outside to the arena floor and Creed hit a massive spinebuster onto the ring steps. Freddy was hurting but fighting back finally able to shove Creed into the ring post.

The action continued outside with Freddy Hero now on the offensive. He threw Creed over the audience rail and into the crowd at the Oakley Lindsey Center. The two battled on the outside. The crowd was split for this one as these two fan favorites went back and forth with in the audience. The action got bakc into the ring with Creed now on the offensive. He hit a flying elbow off the top rope to get a two count.

Creed stayed in control of the match, hitting a trio of German Suplexes and tried for the cover again but to no availe, only reaching a two count. Creed tossed Hero out to the floor again and they traveled up the ramp. He went for a spear on the stage but Hero dodged it and Creed fell off the stage to the floor as the crowd gasped. Hero followed up with a five star frog splash off the stage onto Creed and covered for a two count.

Freddy Hero then got the crowd behind him as he climbed to the top of the 15' high Big Screen at the entrance way and hit a shooting star press off the top of it, finally securing the pinfall on Creed. After the match, Freddy Hero offered his hand to his opponent for a hard fought match.

Kaleyo v. Lexxy Draiven
Kaleyo came out for her match vs. Lexxy Draiven but as Lexxy's music played there was no Lexxy Draiven. Her music was interrupted by 'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys and out came President Richmond. He explained with a smirk on his face that Lexxy had not made it to Quincy tonight and there would unfortunately not be a Vixen's Title match tonight... Kaleyo was very upset as Richmond went to the back.
RC Extreme (c) v. Rowdy Richie
Heavyweight Title Match
Rowdy Ritchie heads towards the ring for his Heavyweight Title match, like everyone else he has no idea what type of match RC Extreme has selected for tonight’s main event. As Ritchie gets about halfway to the ring RC Extreme charges out from behind the curtain and levels Ritchie in the back of the head with ladder. A good portion of the crowd begin to boo as RC slams the ladder down across the back of the Rowdy one, the referee runs up to break up the chaos, RC merely throws him the Heavyweight Title belt and leans down to address his prone challenger.

“Guess what type of a match we’re having.”

With a final stomp to the head RC heads for the ring and tries to capitalize on the situation to end the match quickly. A wire is lowered from the ceiling and the official grabs the Heavyweight Title and attaches it and we're having a Ladder match.

The bells rings and RC Extreme goes back out to the outside and grabs the ladder again and starts to pummel Rowdy Richie it. Every time Richie gets to his feet he is met with a ladder to the knee or to the head. RC Extreme is relentless with the ladder, not allowing Richie any chance to get in any offense. RC Extreme gets Richie into the ring and beats him into the corner with the ladder. He lays the ladder across the Rowdy one and heads to the far turnbuckle. He starts to run across the ring but Richie grabs the ladder and throws it at Richie, knocking him down.

Richie tries to gain some composure and remember where he is as the Heayweight Champion is on his back. Richie grabs the ladder and sets it up in the middle of the ring and starts to make the climb up to get the Heavyweight Championship. Extreme comes to and climbs up the other side of the ladder and measures Richie and then hits a dropkick off the top of the Ladder causing both men to hit the canvas hard.

A 'This is Awesome' chant breaks out as both men are trying to get to their feet. Richie is the first to his feet as he grabs the ladder and closes it up he holds it in front of him and charges at Extreme. He hits the Train Wreck onto the ladder right before it collides into RC Extreme and puts him back into the corner.

The ladder is now bent and laying on Extreme in the corner as Richie makes his way to the arena floor and finds a second, larger ladder under the ring. He sets the ladder up and makes his climb again. RC Extreme heads up the other side of the ladder with the crumpled ladder in hand and nails Richie in the head with it. Rowdy Richie falls to the floor as RC Extreme makes his way to the Heavyweight Title and unhooks it to pick up the victory. He celebrates with his title as we go off the air!