23 - Sept - 2013
Final Fight Finals

Chaefitz Arena
St. Louis, MO

Final Fight
Fighting for Power. It started with Cain killing Abel, and has been passed down generations upon generations sense. 2 weeks ago a fight for power began for 100% control of the Nation of Wrestling began. 16 men began, and now there are only 4. 3 represent the flashy ring veteran and businessman Vic Viceroy, and 1 represents the mad dictator who created NoW Jason Richmond.
But not only will the fate of ownership of the NoW be decided tonight, but so will the champion of champions. At the end of tonight's extravaganza, one man will be the Bruiserweight, ICON, and NoW Heavyweight Champion all at the same time. He alone will control the fate of what happens to these titles going forward. The fight is about ready to be waged.... who will win....The Final Fight!

We head to a shot of Chaefitz Arena in St. Louis, Missouri. The commentary team of Johnny Waubonsie and Bud are ready to kick off tonight's PPV.

JW: Here we are everyone, the Final balance of Power in the Nation of Wrestling! It's the Fiiiinal Fight!

The crowd pops wildly.

Bud: And let's hope to all things holy that Azul wins this thing, because a South City St. Louis loser like Vic Viceroy running this place would send it to hell in a handbasket.

Well we are not short on action tonight, we start the night off with a Heavyweight Title match! Dave Jumper vs. CPL Punsihment.

Heavyweight Title Match
Dave Jumper (c) vs. CPL Punishment
Dave Jumper is from nearby Pacific, MO, the crowd is hot for him tonight!

Punishment and Jumper, both Viceroy boys. Can we get to Azul running through these fools!

Well this match has all the makings of a Main Event and it's our opener! CPL Punishment comes to us after a hall of fame worthy career in other promotions and Dave Jumper has been Heavyweight Champion since Oct 16!

Oh whoop tee doo, We were shut down for 10 months of that!

The two competitors lock up and neither one can get the advantage. They do it again but still a standoff. Finally, CPL Punishment gets the upper hand wrenching on a headlock and then dropping it hard to the mat with a bulldog. Jumper slips out and he slides to the outside.

Jumper getting a breather.

Punishment came out pretty powerful, but Jumper's speed helped him avoid a quick match.

Jumper and Shrader discuss strategy then the Heavyweight Champion quickly slides under the bottom rope. He ducks a clothesline from his challenger, bounces off the far rope and comes back with a big dropkick. Jumper mounts the top rope flies high to land a bit elbow. He covers 1...2... kickout by Punishment.

Even though I don't agree with his affiliations, this Jumper kid can go.

Any coincidence that you're saying nice things about the Champ now that Dick Shrader is standing within earshot?

uhhhh He's a big son of a bitch!

Jumper and Punishment to their feet now. They circle each other as they go to lock up CPL Punishment hits Jumper with a hard elbow to the jaw. CPL Punishment hits a backbreaker on Jumper and goes for the pin. Jumper kicks out at one. Jumper ducks a clothesline and hits a reverse neckbreaker. Jumper picks CPL Punishment up off the mat and delivers a series of knees to the midsection. Jumper flies off the ropes and goes for the Jumping the Shark but CPL Punishment counter it and locks on the Military Stretch in the middle of the ring.

Costly mental error by Dave Jumper! The Military Stretch is locked in!

He's in the center of the ring! He's got nowhere to go.

CPL Punishment wrenches the hold hard as Jumper screams out. The ref asks for a submission but Jumper refuses. Jumper tries to get to the ropes but Punishment keeps him held tight in the middle of the ring. Shrader jumps up to the apron, but with choked breath Jumper tells him not to interfere. Shrader obeys his friend and drops down to the floor and worriedly puts his chin on the mat. CPL Punishment continues to apply more pressure to the hold. Jumper refuses to quit but his shouts of 'NO' get softer and softer. His eyes are bloodshot as CPL applies the hold tighter. The ref checks on Jumper. He raises Jumper's hand and it falls lifelessly to the mat. He does it again, same result. He lifts the hand for a third time and it falls to the mat. The ref calls for the bell.

Jumper passed out!

We've got a new Heavyweight Champion! CPL Punishment!

Jumper refuses to give up the Heavyweight Title via submission! He passed out rather than submit!

Dick Shrader and NoW medical team come to the aid of Jumper and wheel him out on a stretcher. CPL Punishment holds the Heavyweight Title on his shoulder, but applauds Jumper's effort as the Chaefitz' crowd gives Jumper a standing ovation.

What an amazing way to start off the pay per view! What a fantastic title match to start the show!

Richmond pep talk
We head backstage to see Jason Richmond talking with Azul.

Richmond: Alright big man, you're my last hope. Beat Richie and CPL Punishment and you will be the MAN as long as you are employed with NoW. Anything you want, any time you want, I promise you that.

Azul looks down at Richmond and grins.

Azul: I do not care who runs the damn company. I am here to bring Genocide. Gravewalker, RCXtreme, CPL Punishment, Rowdy Richie...whoever gets in my path will feel my wrath. The New Master of Genocide has spoken.

Azul pushes past Richmond and heads to the ring and Richmond nods his head in approval.

Champion vs. Champion match
Azul (c) v. Rowdy Richie (c)
In a rare Champion vs. Champion match we will see the Icon Champion Azul square off with Bruiserweight Champion Rowdy Richie.

Here's the man right here. The man who is going to lead us to the promised land! The best thing since Scott Evans!

Holy shit man! Scott Evans hasn't wrestled a NoW match since 2000!

He's still my favorite.

Yes Bud, everyone knows that.

The two big men step to the center of the ring and start exchanging hard right hands one after another. The crowd pops out a big OH! with each shot delivered.

These two guys are just trading shots!

and the crowd is loving it!

Azul breaks the pattern with a kick to the midsection. He drops an elbow to the back of the former Heavyweight Champion and follows it up with a kick to the midsection. He applies the Zerstyrer on him and Richie gets to the ropes.

That could have been over quickly if Richie wasn't near the ropes for the break.

It should have been over early!!!

Richie comes in with some offense, brawling Azul into the corner with a series of punches. He backs up for the Train Wreck but Azul ducks out of the way before he can charge forward. The two lock up and Richie gets the upperhand irish whipping Richie into the ropes and Azul comes back and hits a shoulder tackle on Rowdy Richie. He goes for the cover, kickout at 2. Both men to their feet now. Richie delivers some hard shots and runs in for the Train Wreck but Azul hits the Massaker out of nowhere and pins Richie 1...2....3.


Azul is a dual Champion! He will go onto to the Main Event to face CPL Punishment!

YES life is good!!

The stage is Richmond Viceroy guy in the Final Fight finals!

Azul holds both championships high as he walks up the ramp.

El Archangel v. Magnus Force
This should be a great matchup as former ICON Champion Magnus Force will square off with the man who almost won the battle royal last week El Archangel!

It's your classic strength vs. speed.

The two meet in the center of the ring and Magnus starts with a hard right hand and whips Archangel into the corner and follows it up with a flying knee. He goes to kick him but El Archangel grabs his foot and hits a step over drop kick.

Speed definitely came in handy there!

El Archangel gets a headlock on and comes off the second rope with a spinning DDT. He goes for the pin but Magnus Force kicks out at 2. El Archangel continues on the offense, using quick strikes and kicks. He does for the Spinning DDT again but this time Force reverses into a powerful 'Maximum Force' planting El Archangel hard to the mat. He covers him. 1...2....3.

BRUTAL delivery there by Magnus Force.

No matter who wins control of the NoW they have to consider Magnus Force back into the title picture.

Backstage Segment
We see CPL Punishment backstage in the trainer's area. Suddenly he is attacked by Brujah, Gravewalker, and Azul. They mount a 3 on 1 attack against the newly crowned Heavyweight Champion. They are all three laying the boots to him until Rowdy Richie comes in to make the save with a steel chair. The Team Richmond guys take off but Gravewalker is caught behind and Richie delivers a vicious shot to the heat that drops Gravewalker hard on the concrete floor. Richie helps CPL Punishment up as the trainers attend to both Punishment and Gravewalker.
The Rev v. Professor Pain PhD
Professor Pain gets a few cheers amid his normal boos as we are in his hometown. The Rev comes down and he stalks Pain and Pain gets out of the ring to the apron to avoid him.

Looks like Pain doesn't want a fight!

No! Pain is just smart and knows to a avoid a much larger opponent early in a match!

He gets back in the ring and The Rev comes at him with a hard fist and Pain ducks it and heads to the other side of the ring laughing at his intelligence to duck that punch and pointing to his brain. He rolls up the sleeves of his white button down shirt and he and the Rev circle each other.

Most times I will pick the bigger man to win a match, but Professor Pain has a PhD! He's too smart for the Rev!

The Rev stalks Professor Pain into the corner, but Pain slides out to the outside again.

Great Strategy by Professor Pain!

He's avoiding the fight!

Like I said, great strategy!

Professor Pain starts arguing with a fan that is booing him in the front row and the Rev slides to the outside. Pain quickly gets back in the ring and as the Rev is coming under the bottom rope, Professor Pain starts nailing him with boots to the back.


The Rev gets to his feet now, Pain is whipped into the far rope and he ducks a punch, bounces off the other rope and is met by a big boot from The Rev. Professor Pain slides back out to the outside and The Rev quickly follows, he goes for an Irish Whip but Pain reverses it and whips The Rev into the steel steps. Professor Pain comes after the Rev but the Rev uses his momentum to spinebuster.

Professor Pain is in Pain!

Well aren't you clever!

The Rev slides back in the ring as Professor Pain refuses to get back in and he is counted out.

The Rev wins via count out!

Acyzd wins in spectacular fashion!

Fatal Four Way
Acyzd v. Brujah v. RC Extreme v. Dreamwalker Deathdealer

Ladies and Gentlemen. We have been informed of a card change here. Gravewalker received a concussion earlier and Dick Shrader is at Barnes Jewish Hospital with Dave Jumper after his match with CPL Punishment. So the last two matches of the night have been combined into a fatal fourway. Both Richmond and Viceroy agreed that the winner of this match will fight for the ICON Championship at our next PPV which will be October 28 at the Hearnes Center in Columbia, MO and will be called 'Fright Night'

Which coincidentally enough the last PPV we had for the NoW before the Richmond/Viceroy legal standoff was held right here at Chaefitz Arena last October!

It featured a fantastic steel cage match between Dave Jumper and RC Extreme for the Heavyweight Title.

The match starts out with Dreamwalker, Brujah, and RC Extreme all stalking after Acyzd but Acyzd runs after Brujah and dumps him over the top with a clothesline. RC Extreme and Dreamwalker catch him and start double teaming him into the corner. Dreamwalker then lays a right hand into RC Extreme and this infuriates the multi-time NoW Champion and he hits the Extreme Dream onto Dreamwalker sending him to the outside. He then whips Acyzd but it's reversed and Extreme is sent to the far turnbuckle and as he comes out he is hit by a quick fisherman's suplex from Aczyd.

Acyzd is in control early!

Acyzd whips RC into the ropes and ducks down to flip him over but Extreme counters it with a swinging neckbreaker. Brujah hits the ring now and goes after the fallen Acyzd as RC Extreme catches his breath. Brujah dumps Aczyd onto the floor as Dreamwalker is now back in the ring and does the same to RC Extreme. Dreamwalker and Brujah start exchanging right hands and Dreamwalker throws in a dropkick that sends Brujah to the floor reeling.

Now Dreamwalker Deathdealer is the only man standing in the ring!

The three men outside the ring start brawling now and Deathdealer hits a baseball slide into RC Extremes back and all four men are now brawling outside the ring. RC Extreme gets to the top rope and hits a senton bomb onto his three opponents and all four men are down.

Mass Freakin' Chaos!!

Dreamwalker Deathdealer is the first to get up and he starts laying the boots to RC Extreme. Brujah gets up to help him and they hit a double powerbomb on Rc Extreme. The get Aczyd into the ring and each of them grab a leg and lock on a half Boston crap on him.

They both have a move applied! If he submits who gets the victory!

RC Extreme comes in and drops Brujah with an Extreme Dream and then turns around and does the same to Deathdealer. He leans on the rope catching his breath and turns around into the Aczyd Drop! Extreme goes spilling out of the ring. Aczyd grabs Deathdealer and hits and AczydDrop on him and covers him 1.....2.....3 before Brujah can break up the pin.

History lesson
Voice Over:

For the third time in NoW History, one man will win the Final Fight and hold all of the NoW Title at once. Let's go back shall we...


[Adams waits for Enigma to get up and when he does he goes on a strictly defensive mode, slowly wearing down the World Champion.]

JC: This is a totally different strategy than we have seen from Adams..ever.

[Finally Adams busts out and starts wailing away on Enigma, he whips him to the ropes and hits him with a big boot, picks him up and hits the Rectification.]

JC: Whoa! HUGE move by Adams to get his finisher on! 1….2….3.

B: That a way Rich Adams! If Scotty can’t win it, I want Rich! Here’s to another 77 day reign! Adams has the title back!


Streetz bolts outside the ring, grabbing his chair, and coming back into the ring, blasting Peter with the chair again, busting Peter open, Chris and The Beast darting into the ring to prevent that from ending the match, Streetz catching Chris with a shot to the stomach from the chair, then drilling The Beast with the chair, before dropping the chair, and hitting the Black Top Drop to Chris, into the chair, doing the same onto The Beast, shoving both of them out of the ring, and then stepping back, picking up the chair, and waiting for Peter to get up. Peter begins to get, groggily, to his feet, Streetz going to charge forward to swing the chair, only to find it suddenly stuck. Streetz turns, finding, of all people, B.D. standing on the apron, holding Streetz’s chair. The two have a tugging contest, B.D. finally getting the upper hand, kicking Streetz in the stomach through the ropes, then hitting a spinning Chair Drive to Streetz, using B.D.’s chair, B.D. quickly rolling out of the ring, taking Streetz’s chair with him, and, at the top of the ramp, appearing to be listening to Streetz’s chair, giggling maniacally, then doing a small little happy dance, before darting backstage again. Streetz, on the other hand, hits the turnbuckle with enough force to send him staggering back out, into the waiting arms of Peter, who puts Streetz down with a quick DDT, before moving outside the ring, grabbing the ref, and rousing him slightly, before tossing the ref into the ring, Peter following him in, and pulling the unconscious Streetz to his feet, only to plant him again with the Brainwash, going quickly for a pin. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!!]


Who will join the list that includes NoW Legends Rich Adams and Peter Cagero? Only one way to find's the....Final Fight!

Final Fight Finale

Azul(c) v. CPL Punishment (c)

Azul comes to the ring with Jason Richmond. He has the NoW Icon Championship and Bruiserweight Titles on each shoulder. Next up is the new Heavyweight Champion CPL Punishment with Vic Viceroy at his side.

Here it is folks! Two Owners, One Company, This is for all the marbles. Two Gladiators, Three Championships, One Man will hold them all when this battle is done!

And that man is Azul!

We are supposed to be unbiased in our Commentary!

Yeah and when has THAT ever happened with me?!

The two lock up and Azul shows his power by throwing Punishment into the corner. Punishment nods his head acknowledging that the youngster is pretty strong. He comes at him again and this time Azul forcefully backs him into the corner and starts laying right hands hard into him.

It looks like CPL Punshiment is not going to be able to outpower Azul.

Azul is administering a beatdown!

Azul backs up and CPL Punishment comes after him and is met by a belly to belly suplex by Azul. Azul backs him into the corner and CPL Punishment lays some right hands into him. He goes to the second rope and tries to administer a hurricanrana but Azul grabs him and delivers a hard powerbomb.

Azul is firmly in control now.

Azul stalks CPL Punishment and picks him up for a Gorilla Press slam but Punishment escapes, bounces off the far ropes and hits a low dropkick to the shin of Azul taking him off his feet. CPL gets to the second ropes and jumps off with a dropkick which floors Azul again, he bounces off the ropes but is met with a clothesline by Azul and both men are down.

Both men have taken a beating from each other!

I don't care who you are, both of these guys have already had another match with a NoW Heavyweight Champion tonight! That's enough to wear anyone out!

and CPL Punishment has had to do it two weeks in a row! He had to win a Battle Royal and beat Gravewalker to get here tonight!

Both men to their feet. They trade right hands back and forth and Azul grabs CPL Punishment in a headlock and wrenches it down hard. He whips him into the rope and connects with the Massaker!

This one is over!


Not over yet!

Azul slams him hand down on the mat in frustration and CPL Punishment Quickly spins over top of him and applies the Military Stretch!

This is the move that won him the title to kick off this show! He has the Military Stretch locked in.

Richmond is going crazy on the outside yelling NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!. Azul pumps himself up and with a roar raises to his feet and hits a backdrop on CPL Punishment!


[Both men get to their feet now. Right hands are exchanged before CPL Punishment gets a quick armbar in on the dual champion. He gets him to the ropes and uses the ropes for leverage to wrench the armbar down before the ref makes him break the count. As soon as he breaks the count he follows it up with a series of right hands to the face of Azul. He pushes him off and hits a big dropkick, dropping to the mat. Punishment heads to the top rope and comes off with a big flying elbow that connects. He covers....1....2..kickout. Punishment quickly to his feet. He goes to the ropes again and comes off but Azul moves! Nobody Home. Azul to his feet and he locks in his submission maneuver the Zerstyrer. CPL Is writhing in pain now but manages to get to the bottom rope to cause a break.

Both men are showing definite signs of fatigue.

We have already had one guy refuse to quit and sent to the hospital, Will we have 2 more!??

CPL Punishment gets up first and starts working over the arm of Azul again, landing boots to his elbow and shoulder.

He is softening up that arm for the Military Stretch!

And that is not good for ANYbody!

It's definitely good for CPL Punishment and Vic Viceroy!

Well yeah there's those two.

Punishment in control now he hits a DDT on Azul and goes for the Military Stretch but Azul gets to the ropes. Azul to his feet now and powers away from Punishment. The two lock up and CPL goes to the arm and easily takes control as there is obvious signs of weakness in that arm. He kicks him in the midsection and locks on the Military Stretch in the middle of the ring!

He's got it on again! We could have a winner shortly!

Azul is writhing in pain. He is reaching for the ropes and Richmond is there trying to grab Azul's hand to help him. The ref comes and warns Richmond and Viceroy slides under the bottom rope. Vic Viceroy comes over and nails CPL Punishment with his finisher the Double V and quickly slides back out of the ring!


Viceroy hits the Double V! Punishment is down!!

Azul to his feet groggily, picks up CPL Punishment and nails the Massaker. The pin....the count 1.....2.....3.

Viceroy SCREWED CPL Punishment! WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!???!?!?


Viceroy and Richmond shakes hands before they help Azul to his feet. They put the Heavyweight Title around his waist and up the Bruiserweight and ICON Championships as The Final Fight PPV goes off the air.