4- November - 2013
RC Extreme v. Azul


Centralia, MO

The fusion card started off in Centralia, MO with a battle of the #1 contender for the Heavyweight Title and the #1 contender for the Bruiserweight Title. Magnus Force continued his impressive run lately defeating former Heavyweight Champion Dave Jumper.

Backstage we see RC Extreme confront Vic Viceroy. He claims Viceroy knew who one of the masked men are and demanded answers. Viceroy was aloof about the whole situation, saying he had made a mistake. RC Extreme didn't believe him but he was interrupted by his opponent for tonight, Azul. Azul said he is ready for the rematch and proposes they make it a no DQ match. RC Extreme questions his motives asking if he's proposing this so the masked men can attack him. Azul says no...he just wants to show how brutal he can be. RC Extreme cockily accepts the young superstars challenge.

In our next matchup, Gravewalker defeats Dick Shrader.

In the first of two championship matches tonight Brujah regains the Bruierweight Title with a win over the Rev. After the match Magnus Force comes down and lays out both guys. He claims that whoever wins is indeed the loser, because they have to face him at Survival and the Bruiserweight Title is his!

A rundown is given of the Tag Team Title tournament, showing the final four teams left.

In the first semifinal match of the Tournament we see Aczyd and CPL Punishment get a victory over Big Crazy and Rowdy Richie after Vic Viceroy came down and distracted Rowdy Richie. Richie was livid as Punishment and Aczyd moved onto the finals.

The Heavyweight Title match was a bloody affair as Azul came to the ring with a bartbed wire baseball bat and was not afraid to use it. The match went back and forth but then the two masked men attacked. Azul was pissed and fought them off with the bat, only to turn around into the Extreme Dream from RC Extreme. Both men laid out on the mat and were counted to 10 and we had a double disqualification. Medical staff attended to both men as we went off the air.