14- Oct - 2013
6 man tag match


Mexico, MO

The card started out with a three way dance that saw Dreamwalker Deathdealer defeat Professor Pain PhD and Dave Jumper in a three way dance.

President Richmond came out and said that for the time being there will be no Pay Per Views that starting with Fright Night they will be called 'Headline Events' or 'Headliners' and will be available on Free TV.

The next bout was a fantastic match between two former Heavyweight Champions as Rowdy Richie narrowly defeated CPL Punishment. After his match Richie called out Vic Viceroy and Viceroy came to the stage with Brujah and Gravewalker flanking him. They ran to the ring to attack Richie but from the crowd came Richie's former running buddy Big Crazy. He nailed all three adversaries with a chair and the Masters of Blood were reformed!

Gravewalker squared off against Magnus Force and won via disqualification when the Masters of Blood hit the ring again. Viceroy and Brujah hit the ring and they had to be separated. Viceroy took a microphone and said he wanted a piece of Rowdy Richie and demanded Richmond add him to the Icon Title match at Fright Night.

The Main Event of the night saw The Rev, RC Extreme and Acyzd defeat Azul Vic Viceroy, and Brujah after Aczyd hit the Aczyd Drop on Viceroy for the pin. The night ended in a brawl and then only Azul and RC Extreme in the ring staring each other down as we closed the show.