- - 2012

The Card starts off with the Rev flanked by Ivan Brezhnev, Y2D, and Creed.

The Rev: Ladies and Gentleman of the Nation of Wrestling..for those of you who don't remember me, I am The Rev. I have returned to the NoW to clense it of it's hypocritical ways. I am starting with the man who claims to be an Amish...whose proud people are known pacifists, yet he injures the three men who are in my flock. We will show the Hand and the whole NoW what it is like to be in the grip of the true 'hand'....

The Flock stays at ringside as their members are featured in the first four matches. In the opening contest Creed faced off against Oden. Rowdy Richie came down to ringside to try and talk to Creed but the rest of the Flock blocked his entry. Richie decides to not fight the flock and stays at the top of the ramp. Oden defeats Creed with the Ragnorak as Richie takes a microphone.

Richie: Creed my man... I don't know what has gotten into you...but I will get to the bottom of it... Rev if you want to talk like men we can do that. I haven't seen Creed in a few weeks and we go back as far as my time in the business. Whatever you've done to him I don't like it. Oden.. big man we went round and round at one time and if I can't beat Professor Pain at the PPV, I'd like giving the NoW fans a show of two former Champions. You're the most decorated Bruiserweight Champ there has ever been...so enjoy your title match next week big man! If you win.... then we'll bring the house down at Fright night.

In the next match Mr. Pico and Y2D squared off. Y2D won the match after interferance from Ivan Brezhnev.

In the next match Ivan Brezhnev completely decimated Decklin Fitzgerald. After the match RC Extreme came to the ramp and announced that Brezhnev would be the man to face Jumper next week.

The Rev got his first in ring action this go around of the NoW as he faced off with the NoW is the Time holder, Dick Shrader. Schrader and the Rev went toe to toe with Shrader picking up the victory. The Flock went to attack Shrader but the Rev told them to back off.

Commissioner Vic Viceroy announced that at Fright Night we will debut a new title. The NoW Ironman title. The title will be defended every week in a thirty minute iron man match. 8 competitors will start a tournament next week witht he finals being at Fright Night

The debut of El Archangel came with much gusto as he ascended from the rafters to the ring. He met the focus of the Flock's fury the Hand. The two fought a good match with the Hand picking up the victory. The Flock all came to the entry way but didn't attack, just watched the Hand.

Backstage we see the Flock and the Judge approaches them. He states he is not there to fight....he just wants Creed to go out there and beat Magnus Force next week so they can square off at the PPV. The Rev and Creed nod their head in approval.

The crowd was treated to a treat in the main event, the champions picked up the victory over the challengers as Professor Pain renewed an older rivalry pinning RC Extreme. The announcers hyped that all three titles will be on the line next week!