Sept - 17 - 2012
RC Extreme v. Magnus Force

Mexico High School
Mexico, MO
Freddy Hero v. Dave Jumper
The 5 men who will be in the NoW is the Time ladder match in one week will be decided tonight and the NoW fans in Mexico, MO were abuzz with excitement.

The first match of the night was a high flying affair between the #1 Contender for the NoW Heavyweight Title and the ICON Champion. These two men went toe to toe with each other, flying across the ring at incredible speed. Hero got the first upperhand after the two spent some time avoiding each other by ducks and reversals by locking in a headlock on Dave Jumper.

The advantage didn't last long as Jumper reversed into into a backdrop and pin for a quick one count. Both men got to their feet and Jumper took the advantage whipping Hero into the turnbuckle and following it up with a flying elbow. Jumper then showed off his strength with a running powerslam on the Champion. He went for a cover but Hero grabbed in him a small package and almost snuck the victory.

Hero then went on the offensive with a quick series of chain wrestling moves but Jumper reversed an ankle lock, kicking Hero back into the ropes and then picked him up for a 'Jumping the Shark' and nailing it followed by a pinfall for the victory.

The Hand v. Dick Shrader
NITT Qualifier match
The Hand and the big man Dick Shrader started off the qualifying for NoW is the Time. It was brought up that both Y2D and Ivan Brezhnev have suffered injuries after being in matches with The Hand.

Dick Shrader started off in control of the match, using his power advantage over The Hand. But as we've seen in recent weeks, a mean streak came out in The Hand and he started violently working over the shoulder of Dick Shrader. He locked in a cross arm breaker but Schrader refused to tap out, Dave Jumper came to the ring and broke the hold, earning a DQ for Schrader and putting The Hand into the Ladder match at the PPV.

Schrader seemed a bit upset with Jumper, but Jumper calmed him down and they left on good terms.

Rowdy Richie v. The Judge
NITT Qualifier
In ther next NITT qualifier we had two men who have been batteling to get to the top of the NoW since it reopened.

The Judge came down expecting the crowd to fully be on his side but that was not the case. Fan Favorite Rowdy Richie had the crowd fully in his corner as the two men locked up and Richie won the initial test of strength.

The Judge battled back using speed to his advatage against the much larger Richie. He made his fatal mistake when he tried to hit the Gavel on Richie and Richie countered it with the Train Wreck, and got the pinfall victory.

Words from the Bruiserweight Champion
NoW Bruiserweight Champion Professor Pain PhD came to the ring.

Pain: As of right now, I have no opponent for NoW is the Time...I am sure the powers that be will decide an opponent for me, but it simply does not matter as I will give them a lesson and their grade will be a failing one. The people here in Mexico Missouri should probably ask for a refund since you did not get to see me compete tonight. And since you're probably to poor to have cable television, take a chicken or a cow down to the fair grounds, scrape up the money you need to travel to the big city of Columbia next week and you will see me defend my title at the PPV.

Mr. Pico v. Creed
NITT Qualifier
Mr. Pico came to the ring, flanked by The Irish Car Bombs and it's obvious the alliance between Richmond and Pico is on. Pico awaits the arrival of Creed but he does not show. We cut to the back to show the Hand violently attacking Creed in the back.

NoW staff and Viceroy peel The Hand off of him and the Hand is yelling how there will be NO roster left by the time he is done! Viceroy then comes out to the the ring and states that Creed is unable to compete and he reluctantly must award the match and the spot in NITT to Mr. Pico.

The Power Struggle continues
Richmond and Viceroy are in the ring with The Hand, Mr. Pico, and Rowdy Richie.

Viceroy: First of all I would like to congratulate you three on making it this far. Some of you got here easily, some of you earned it, and some of you have decided to take initiative to take out as much competition as possible....regardless of the means you're all here.

Richmond: NoW is the Time! For Mr. Viceroy and I to announce who our hand picked representatives are for this match....Mr. Viceroy, you first.

Viceroy: Well President Richmond....I do so enjoy pissing you off.....and as Dave Jumper already has a Heavyweight Title match......I think I'll pick...Dick Shrader as my entry.

Richmond is definitely upset as Dick Shrader comes to the ring along with 3 of his 4 competitors next week. Richmond calms himself a bit and just smiles.

Richmond: That's fine and well Vic, you're allowed to pick whoever you like. My pick is someone who it took some for me to get to the NoW....well let me say get to the NoW again...it took some time, and some trips, and some cash....but ladies and gentleman....returning to the NoW......OOOOOODEN!!!!!!

The 6'7" Oden makes his way down to the ring with more of a scowl on his face than he usually has, he takes the microphone from Richmond and stares at everyone else in the ring.

Oden: It's true I am back....it's also true that it is because of President Richmond that I am here. But know this for a fact.... I win for Valhalla.... I don't win for President Richmond. Most of you have never faced me before, some of you only for brief moments....all four of you will feel the Ragnorak at some point and time and I will take that clock down! I'll see you boys next week.

Richmond tries to raise Oden's hand and Oden yanks it away...Mr. Pico comes up and pats Oden on the back and Oden shoves him away... Richmond gets in between the two as th eothe three competitors size up their competition for NoW is the time

Bringing back a legend
After a commercial we come back to see Richmond and Oden backstage.

Richmond: Oden, things have changed around here. I hold no grudges from the past. I... Oden: Listen Bitchmond....I know you have interior motives for every damn thing you do, I've been playing this game too long to trust people, especially you. I have a debt to pay and I'll pay it. End of story...

Oden walks off as Richmond nods his head and grins.

Magnus v. RC Extreme
Amaranth by Nightwish hits the speakers as Nation of Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, RC Extreme, heads to the ring with Title belt in hand, something is amiss though as RC is dressed in street clothes rather than his wrestling gear. RC doesn’t enter the ring, instead he heads towards the time keepers table and grabs a microphone.

RC: With only a matter of days before I have to defend my title against Dave Jumper at NoW is the Time I have unfairly been forced into a match tonight against Magnus Force. Magnus, facing a superstar of my calibre would be the wrestling equivilant of another Ravens vs. Bengals from the NFL, it would be a massacre. So being the humanitarian I am I will spare you that embarrassment and take the night off.

The fans begin to boo RC Extreme.

RC: Hey, it’s not like any of you deserve to observe my greatness in action anyway, bottom line is I am the champ and I do as I please, and each and every one of you can only do two things, nothing and like it.

With that RC drops the microphone and begins walking away from the ringside area.

He is met up the ramp by Dave Jumper and Dick Schrader. As Jumper and Schrader are jawing Extreme The Hand attacks Dick from behind and a brawl insues. Richie and Pico come out to join in the fray. RC Extreme escapes up the ramp and holds the Heavyweight Title high. Jumper is caught between the brawl and the ring and cannot get to Extreme as the two stare at each other as we go off the air.