RC Extreme vs. The Judge

Joe Charles Field House
Canton, MO
The Power Struggle
The Show opens up with President Richmond and Commissioner Vic Viceroy coming to the ring to 'NoW is the Time' by 10 Years, which is the official theme some of the next NoW PPV. Richmond takes the microphone

Richmond: It's good to be at my alma mater tonight in Canton, MO!

The crowd gives a small pop, still unsure if they want to cheer Richmond

Viceroy: President Richmond and I have a few announcements to make, and we decided to do it together. First off all, all three NoW Champions will be in action tonight in non-title matches. But there's some stipulations we are putting on those matches! If the champions lose this week, their challengers will get a title match next week on Fusion!

[The crowd pops louder.]

Richmond: The second order of business is one of who really has control of the booking of the NoW. It is no secret I am not happy about how Vic changed the cooking of who the #1 contenders for the NoW Heavyweight Champion and the ICON Championship are. The Irish Car Bombs cleanly won the tag team turmoil match last week. But to be honest, Viceroy has every right to do that.

When I reopened the NoW in 2008, I did not have the funds to do so. Mr. Viceroy graciously lent me the money to do so. In that loan agreement, it was stated that Vic Viceroy would have creative control over booking for 1 year. Well that run of NoW lasted only a month. So when I reopened there was some debate over who had creative control over booking. After last week's booking descrepency I decided to have a sit down meeting with Mr. Viceroy to discuss some sort of agreement.

So what we decided was this. You all know that there will be the NoW is the time ladder match at the next PPV on Sunday September 30. There will be 5 competitors in that match. On the September 17th edition of Fusion there will be three qualifying matches for NoW is the time. The last two spots will be determined on the September 24th edition of Fusion. One will respresent and be appointed by myself, the other by Mr. Viceroy. IF our representative win NoW is the time, that person will be charge of the Booking for the NoW. If they lose, then at our next PPV 'Fright Night' on October 29th. There will be an eight man team battle royal with 4 members of team Richmond and 4 members of team Viceroy with that status of booking on the line.

Viceroy: I am happy that President Richmond and I could come to a fair and exciting resolution to this conflict, one that is in the best interest of the NoW and will provide exciting action for YOU the NoW Fans!

[Richmond and Viceroy shake hands as 'NoW is the time' plays again.]

Creed v. Ivan Brezhnev
Creed and Ivan Brezhnev started off with Brexhnev taking the quick advantage in the match using power moves to put Creed on his back several times.

Creed mounted a comeback though after ducking a punch from and landing a knee into the midsection of Ivan. Creed then hit the ropes and hita dropkick, followed by an elbow for a 2 count. Brezhnev tries to mount some offense but his early barrage of offense seemed to have winded him and Creed stayed in control, eventually hit a crescent kick to knock Brezhnev out and get the pin.

Rowdy Richie v. Professor Pain
Professor Pain and Rowdy Richie started off this non title, non Bruiserweight Rules match with Professor Pain using a stick and move type of offense, trying to keep away from the power of the former NoW Champion. Eventually he grabbed ahold of the Professor's tie and pulling him into a short clothesline.

Richie stayed on the offensive, landing boots to Pain until he rolled out of the ring to collect himself. He tried to get into the ring but Richie kept kicking at him to keep him away. Professor Pain finally got into the ring as he grabbed Richie's foot and pulled him to the outside. The action continued outside as Professor Pain used his surroundings to his advantage, running Richie into the ring steps before sliding back into the ring.

Once Richie got into the ring, Professor Pain took his tie off and wrapped it around Richie's throat to choke him. He rufused to break it and was disqaulified, earning Richie a title shot at next weeks Fusion. Professor Pain was left in the ring arguing with the referee about how it was unfair that Richie could use the tie against him and he couldn't use it against Richie. Professor Pain turned around to the Train Wreck from Richie, Richie took the Bruiserweight Title and laid it on Prefessor Pain's chest and said 'Hold that for me for a week would ya?'

Decklin Fitzgerald v. Magnus Force v. Mr. Pico
#1 contender for the ICON Championship
This match started off as a glorified handicapt match as the two men who have done some of Richmond's physical work in the pst, double teamed up on the muscular Magnus Force. The alliance lasted until Pico went to put a pin on Force and Fitzgerald pulled him off.

This lead to a verbal argument between the two, allowing Magnus to get to his feet and double clothesline both men to the arena floor. Magnus Force pumped up the crowd as he waited one of his opponents to get back into the ring. Fitzgerald was the first one to do so, which he soon regretted as he was met by a big spinebuster from Force.

Pico then slide into the ring and hit a double axehandle onto Force. He went to set him up for the 'Pico Check' but was interrupted by Decklin. Deckling through Pico to the outside and turned around into the Maximum Force and the pin, earning the victory and ICON title shot at NITT for Magnus Force.

Freddy Hero v. Dick Shrader
Freddy Hero and Dick Shrader faced off in singles competition as they got a short feel for each other in the tag team turmoil match last week. Freddy Hero started out keeping his attack low on Dick Shrader with kicks to the knees and thighs. A Knee to the midsection buckled him over enough for the ICON Champion to get a DDT on the much larger Shrader.

Hero went for a pin, but Shrader quickly kicked out. This didn't stop Hero's attack as he dropped elbows off onto the still fallen Shrader. Hero went to the top rope and came off put Shrader grabbed him in mid air and powerslammed him hard to the mat.

Sharder then went onto the offensive, eventually hitting the 'Project Shrader' and pinned Hero cleanly to earn an ICON title match next week on Fusion.

Quinn O'Lafferty v. Dave Jumper v. The Hand
#1 Contender for the NoW Heavyweight Champion
The match started out with Dave Jumper immediately going after Quinn O'Lafferty pummeling him into the corner landing rights and lefts to the head. The Hand came and broke it up and Jumper landed a punch and a dropkick on him, focusing his attack back on Quinn.

The Hand got back to his feet and hit an inverted backbreaker on Jumper, then locked him in a handlock, taking him to the mat. Jumper got back to his feet and hit a few elbows to make the Hand break the hold just in time to get a double dropkick on both men from O'Lafferty coming off the top rope. O'Lafferty picked up Jumper and went to whip him into the ropes, but Jumper revesed it and hit a rolling DDT on Quinn.

Jumper went for the pin but it was broken up by the Hand. The Hand hit a bodyslam on Jumper then went after O'Lafferty. He tried to pin O'Lafferty but Jumper broke it up with a low dropkick. Decklin Fitzgerald came down to attack Jumper, Jumper got in his face and moved out of the way just in time as a charging O'lafferty came and knocked Fitzgerald off the apron. He turned around into the torture rack from Jumper, into the Jumping the Shark, the pin, and Dave Jumper was the #1 contender for the Heavyweight Title and will earn a title match at NoW is the Time!

Keeping an eye on the competition
We go backstage to Richmond berateing the Irish Car Bombs.

Richmond: Jumper is the #1 Contender!! You were supposed to make sure he DIDN'T become #1 Contender! I wouldn't have cared if that damn Amish Freak had won as long as it wasn't Dave Jumper!

Viceroy comes up behind Richmond and the Car Bombs alert him.

Richmond: Vic! How's it going buddy!

Viceroy: Sounds like better than you! Just wanted to find you and tell you how happy I am we decided to settle this in the ring, instead of nasty and legal.

Richmond: I agree, any idea who you're picking as you're representative?

Viceroy: Not quite sure, yet I have my eye on some people.

Richmond: Yeah, I already know who I am going to pick. We haven't always gotten along in the past, but let's just say he'll be keeping his 'eye' on the competition as well!

Richmond pats Viceroy on the back as Vic raises an eyebrow at Richmond as he walks away.

RC Extreme v. The Judge
RC Extreme starts the match a ball of fire, whipping The Judge into the ropes and hitting him with a reverse elbow.He hits a clothesline and back him into the corner where he starts laying boots hard into him. He mounts the second rope and starts laying right hands into the head of the Judge.

Judge battles back picking up Extreme and hitting an atomic drop on him in the center of the ring. He goes for the Gavel quickly but Extreme battles out of it and throws him to the arena floor. Extreme slides to the outside and continues his brawling strategy against the Judge, slamming him into the ring steps and into the ring post before tossing him back into the ring.

Extreme continues to brawl but The Judge hits a neck breaker and then lands some elbows into the Champion. He locks on a figure four leg lock and holds it onto the fallen champion. But RC Eztreme verses it and gets the leg lock on The Judge but the Judge quickly grabbed the ropes. Extreme was noticably hobbled by the figure four and and The Judge got up and tried to put it on a gain but he was tripped by RC Extreme and felt his boot a few times. RC Extreme got up and hit the Extreme Dream to win the match. He held the title as as Dick Shrader and Dave Jumper came to the stage. Extreme pointed to the title as Jumper mouthed him to end the show.