Aug -27 - 2012
Tag Team Turmoil Final

Griffin Center
Quincy, IL
Fusion starts off with highlights from Mass Destruction. Finalizing with RC Extreme climbing the ladder to defend the Heavyweight Title.

We cut to backstage with Dave Jumper and the massive 7 footer Dick Shrader. President Richmond shows at at over a foot and a half shorter than the newest member of the NoW Roster.

Richmond: I see you have backup. Well as you know when you decided to assault me on the first card, I had no backup.

The Irish Car Bombs show up behind Richmond, both bigger than Jumper, but nowhere near as large as Shrader.

Richmond: Now I didn't come here for a fight....but the Car Bombs just might have. But I'll make you a deal. Win this turmoil match tonight and I'll forget it all. No sneak attacks. No ambushes. All over.

Richmond and the Car Bombs back away as Shrader takes a step forward but Jumper holds his arm telling him to save it for the match.

Tag Team Turmoil
'Ladies and Gentleman' by Saliva played and Commissioner Viceroy came out to start the show. He explained that the first match would be tag team turmoil. Two teams would start off and the winner would face the next team and so on. The winning team would face off at the end of the night with the winner fighting the Heavyweight Champion at the next PPV and the loser fighting the Icon Champion.

The unlikely paring of Y2D and Magnus was the first team announced followed by their opponents The Heavyweight Champion RC Extreme and Icon Champion Freddy Hero.RC Extreme and Y2D started off the match and the Saavy Heavyeight champion went right after the shoulder that The Hand had injured last week. Y2D was no match for the Heavyweight Champion and was finished off rather quickly. Magnus was furious that he didn't even get tagged into the match!

Dave Jumper and Dick Shrader came out next and the champions debated on what to do about the wildcard of Dick Shrader as he is bigger than any man has been in the NoW since Colossus was head of security. Jumper started off against Freddy Hero. Jumper started off with a considerable strength advantage over Hero backing him into the corner several times and getting a good shot to the ribs in before being forced to break.

Hero tags in Extreme and Jumper makes the tag to the newest member of the NoW roster and he gets his first in ring action against the Heavyweght Champion. The two lock up and RC Extreme actually pushes the much larger man back into his own corner and takes a cheap shot from Jumper for his efforts. The two meet again in the center of the ring and Shrader hits a knee to the stomach of the Heavyweight Champion. He whips him into his corner and tags in Jumper.

Jumper comes in a ball of fire hitting the Heavyweight Champion with rights and lefts. He whips RC Extreme into the ropes but Extreme hits a shoulder block and crawls over the make a tag to the ICONS Champion. Hero and Jumper lock up again and Jumper hits a quick snap suplex and goes for a pin. Hero kicks out and Jumper tags in Shrader. Shrader picks up Hero but Hero knows where he is a tags Extreme without Dick looking. Shrader goes on the offense on Hero but turns around into the 'Extreme Dream from RC Extreme and is pinned for the three count.

Up next come the Irish Car Bombs, and O'Lafferty and Fitzgerald come to the ring and mock Jumper and Shrader. The match starts off and Jumper and Shrader immediately attack the Car Bombs causing RC Extreme and Freddy Hero to get eliminated from the match. The Champions are pretty pissed about this and pull the two teams apart and they argue with Jumper and Shrader all the way to the back.

Ivan Brezhnev and Mr. Pico come out next and Brezhnev starts the match off. The Car Bombs pick apart Brezhnev, finishing him off with Fitzgerald putting a big spin on the big Russian and O'Lafferty hitting a dropkick on him and hooking the leg for the victory. Mr. Pico becomes a victim, like Magnus, of never getting tagged into the match.

Creed and Rowdy Richie come out and all the teams are in the ring. Creed starts off in the ring with Fitzgerald and Fitzgerald gets Creed back into his corner and starts working him over. The Car Bombs use quick tags to keep Creed in their corner and it's obvious they have been teaming together for awhile. Creed finally gets out of the corner and gets a tag to Rowdy Richie. Richie comes in a ball of fire and starts nailing both of the Car Bombs. But soon the numbers game catches up with him and the Car Bombs use double teams to wear down the Rowdy one.

Richie gets a tag into Creed and he is hit with a double dropkick from the Car Bombs. They get Creed into the giant swing/dropkick combination and pin him to win the Tag Team Turmoil match! President Richmond comes down to celebrate

Bruiserweight Title Match
The Judge (c) v. The Hand v. Professor Pain PhD
The Judge had little time to prepare for his first title defense against two challengers in a triple threat match.

The match starts out with none of the competitors wanting to make the first move for fear of getting double teamed. Professor Pain Cunningly goes after The Judge then ducks out of the way when The Hand comes in he moves out of the way and the Judge and The Hand crash into each other. Professor Pain slides to the outside and grabs a chair and returns to the ring. He clocks The Judge with the chair and goes to hit The Hand but the hand battles back with a boot to the midsection. The Hand then comes off the top rope and hits a neckbreaker on Professor Pain.

The Judge gets to his feet and starts battling The Hand. The Judge starts to get the upper hand but the Hand lays him out with the chair. He goes for the pin but Professor Pain breaks it up with a leg drop from the top rope. He covers the Judge and gets the pin to become the new Bruiserweight Champion!

NoW is the Time
President Richmond comes to the ring and announces that on September 30 NoW will present 'NoW is the Time' live from the Hearnes Center in Columbia, MO. The featured match will be the 'NoW is the Time' ladder match. Hanging fromt he ceiling will be a clock. Whoever retrieves the clock will then have the opportunity to say 'NoW is the Time' and get a title match anyplace, anywhere they want to.
Quinn O'Lafferty v. Decklin Fitzgerald
Before these two can start Vic Viceroy comes out and says there has been a slight change of plans. He states that since this is the Car Bombs debut in NoW that they need to prove themselves a bit more before they get title shots. So he announces that there will be two #1 Contenders matches. Decklin Fitzgerald will fight for the #1 contendership for the ICON title against two men who didn't get a shot to get in their respective tag matches Magnus and Mr. Pico. Quinn O'Lafferty will fight against Dave Jumper and The Hand with the winner being the #1 contender for the Heavyweight Championship. Fusion goes off the air with President Richmond and Vic Viceroy arguing about the decision.