Freddy Hero and RC Extreme v. M.O.B. Squad

Scotland Co. High School
Memphis, MO
Magnus v. The Judge
Even with the high level of rednecks in attendance. Scotland County High School was rockin' for the final Fusion before Mass Destruction! In the leadoff match we had Magnus and the Judge squaring off to see who would go to the Bruiserweight Title match at Mass Destruction. Magnus started off using his considerable strength to toss the Judge across the ring.

Judge collects himself and comes at Magnus again but is once again tossed across the ring for his efforts. Judge then comes at Magnus with a bit more precision this time ducking a grapple attempt and landing a knee into the midsection of his challenger. He then gets Magnus to the corner and starts laying a shoulder into him. Magnus evntually powers out but The Judge ducks a clothesline and kicks Magnus foot out from under him.

The Judge goes onto the attack now using his speed to gain the upper hand. The Judge comes off the top rope with a high cross body, gaining a two count on. Magnus then starts to use his strength again and eventually gains the upper hand. He heads to the outside and grabs his sledgehammer. As The Judge is getting up he is leveled by the sledgehammer. Magnus goes to the top rope to finish off The Judge but he is met by his own sledgehammer as he is coming down as the Judge had picked it up off his canvas. The Judge crawls over into a cover and earns his place at Mass Destruction.

Professor Pain and Ivan Brezhnev v. Y2D and the Hand
This match was chaotic from the get go. The Hand was obviously not happy to be Y2D's partner dating back to the Genesis battle royal where Y2D bumped him while making his entrance into the match.

Also Professor Pain did not seem too happy about teaming with Brezhnev since they as a team failed to win the three way tag match to earn title shots at Mass Destruction.

The match featured more bickering between the teams than in ring action eventually The Hand ended up attacking Y2D and Brehznev ended up tiring of the verbal put downs by Prof. Pain and laid him out. The four men brawling led to Commissioner Viceroy coming out and announcing that Professor Pain would would square off against Ivan Brezhnev and The Hand would face Y2D as Mass Destruction. The winners of those respective matches will face the new Bruiserweight Champion at Fusion in two weeks in the title holders first title defense.

Dave Jumper vs. Mr. Pico
The next match pitted two of the biggest loud mouths in the NoW against each other. Jumper and Pico spent a good time jawing each other before the match got underway. Jumper got on the offense early getting Pico into a armbar, wrenching it down and not letting him get to the ropes.

Pico finally got out of the hold and got in some offense before Jumper wrestled him to the ground. Jumper locked in a figure four leg log but didn't hold it long as he realized Pico couldn't tap out to win the match till the Bruiserweight requirements were met. Jumper went to the floor to get a steel chair and Pico grabbed a microphone from the ring announcer and nailed Jumper with it. He then Suplexed Dave Jumper onto the announcers table. When Pico went on the offensive he was met with a monitor to the head from Jumper. Jumper slid Pico into the ring and went to the top rope. After coming off the rope he was rolled over into a small package by Pico for a two count. The two battled for a bit until Jumper hit the Jumping the Shark to pick up the pin and the title match.

M.O.B. Squad vs. Freddy Hero and RC Extreme
Tensions were high in the main event. The winner of this match got to choose the stipulations for their respective matches for the PPV. Creed and Hero started the match off in an Icon Championship preview for Mass Destruction.

The match was fast and furious as all four men showed why their the champions and #1 contenders here in the NoW. Creed eventually tagged in Richie and he went to work on Freddy Hero. Hero tagged in the Genesis Battle Royal Champion and he and Richie went toe to toe with Richie getting the advantage due to sheer brute force.

Hero eventually was tagged back in and he cunningly evaded Richie's power atacks. Creed and Rc Extreme got into the match. Creed hit an impressive rolling DDT on the Heavyweight Champion but Hero broke the pin up. As Richie came into to even the odds he hit RC Extreme with the Train Wreck, in the hoopla Hero tagged himself in and 'The Save' on Creed pinning him to pick up the victory.

The Champions held their titles in the air as Fusion went off the air.