6 - August - 2012
Creed v. RC Extreme

Clark County R-1 Middle School, Kahoka, MO
Freddy Hero v. Rowdy Richie
The card starts off with ICON Champion Freddy Hero in a non title bout against the #1 contender for the heavyweight title, Rowdy Richie. Richie started the battle offwith a series of impressive strength moves. Just when Richie would start to get the upper hand though Hero would find a way to get to the ropes and make a break. Richie continued to smash Hero until Hero countered a Train Wreck with a back drop, sending Richie to the gymnasium floor.

The battle continued on the floor with Hero now on the offensive, using a series of kicks to keep Richie at bay. Back into the ring and the two went back and forth. Hero went to get Richie in a fisherman's suplex but Richie countered it to set up a powerbomb but Hero wiggled out slide down Richie's back and was able to get him off balance and pin pin him for the win.

The commissioner speaks
Viceroy explains the rules for The Bruiserweight Division, as the next four matches will be competed under Bruiserweight Rules. Bruiserweight matches are no DQ/no countout matches. To be able to record a pin or a submission a wrestler much hit an opponent with a foreign object AND come off the top rope. Viceroy goes down the lineup for the first 4 quarterfinal matches.
The Hand v. Magnus
The Hand debuted against the debutting Magnus. Magnus came to the ring with a sledgehammer but it was quickly kicked away by The Hand. The Hand then went to the top rope and come off it, only to be met with a powerslam by Magnus. Magnus then went outside to retrieve his sledgehammer but the Hand fended him off again, hitting a baseball slide on him on the outside.

The Hand brought a chair with him into the ring and hit Magnus with it, making him now eligible to get a pin. he tried for a cover but Magnus muscled out of it. Magnus then went on the offensive with a spinebuster and then came off the top rope with an elbow. The two continued to battle on but eventually Magnus got ahold of his sledgehammer and nailed The Hand with it for the victory.

The Judge v. Professor Pain
The Judge and Professor Pain started off with the Judge producing a gavel from inside his trunks and proceeded to nail Professor Pain repeatidly in the head with it, drawing blood early in the match. Professor Pain was eventually able to get the gavel away from the Judge but it ws obvious he was shaken. Professor Pain slammed The Judge hard to the mat and went to the top rope but the Judge grabbed him by the arm and tossed him down to the mat. The Judge then went to the top rope and hit an elbow onto Professor Pain. He went for a cover but Pain kicked out. The Judge then locked in an ankle lock which Professor Pain was able to kick away from. Professor Pain was on the offense again but ran into the finishing move 'The Gavel' and The Judge picked up the victory.
Mr. Pico v. Ivan Brezhnev
Brezhnev was inroduced first and was waiting for Pico in the ring with a steel chair. Pico came to the ring and avoided the chair shot from the big Russian and was able to wrestle the chair away from the big man and crack him over the skull with it. This enraged Brezhnev and he picked Pico up and slammed him hard into the corner and started nailing him with ring hands. he then hit a running powerslam on him and drug him back to the corner.

Obvious that aerial manuevers were not Brezhnev's thing he slowly attempted to get to the top rope. But Pico was able to come through and climb to the top and hir the 'Pico check' off the top rope and pin Brezhnev to move on in the tournament.

Y2Dogico v. Dave Jumper
Y2D starts off the last of the Bruiserweight Matches with a big drop kick on Jumper and goes for the pin. The ref tries to explain the rules to Y2D but Jumper interrupts unloading offense on Y2D. Jumper got innovative and took off Y2D's boot to use as his foreign object before hitting an eblow off the top rope and pin Y2Dogico for the victory.

After the match Jumper seemed to be waiting for the Car Bombs to come and attack him but he was able to leave peacefully.

Where's the President?
We cut backstage to see Lexxy Draiven once again looking for President Richmond but she is told by a staff member that Richmond is away with the Car Bombs on 'International Business'.
Creed vs. RC Extreme
They lock up and RC Extreme backs Creed into the corner and tries to give a clean break but Creed holds on. The Heayweight Champion with a knee and side head lock. Creed with a shoulder tackle and a back heel kick. Creed goes to the turnbuckles for a sunset flip and a near fall. RC with kicks to Creed and it staggers the #1 contender for the Icon Championship.

RCX charges into the corner and Creed sends himover the top rope to the floor. Creed goes to the top turnbuckle and hits a cross body from the top onto The Champion on the floor.

Creed charges at RC but he moved Creed collided with the steps. Both men back in the ring and Creed tries for a sunset flip but RC stays on his feet and then hits an elbow drop to the arm and gets a near fall.

RC Extreme wraps Creed’s arm in the ropes and then he continues to work over the shoulder and bicep. Extreme with a kick to the arm and gets a near fall. RC Extreme goes to the turnbuckles but he is distracted by Rowdy Richie coming down the aisle. Creed recovers and pushes extreme to the floor. Freddy Hero makes his way down and all four men start brawling and the match is ruled a no contest. NoW security comes down and breaks it up and Viceroy says next week RC Extreme and Hero will face the MOB Squad in a tag match as our main event with the winners getting to determine the stipulations for their respective matches at Mass Destruction.