30 - July - 2012
Prof. Pain and Ivan Brezhnev
RC Extreme and Freddy Hero

Ellison-Poulton Stadium
Canton, MO
The show starts off with an ariel view of Culver Stockton College in Canton, Missouri. It Zooms in to Ellison Poulton Stadium where the NoW Crew has set up the ring along with a giant video board, the likes that have never been seen before in Canton, Missouri. The screen plays highlights of the Genesis PPV where RC Extreme won the Heavyweight title.
Rowdy Richie v. The Hand vs. Creed
The competitors are in the ring and immediately Richie and Creed start double teaming The Hand. The crowd is loving it as it's obvious the ole' running buddies from the CWE are getting the M.O.B. Squad. They throw The Hand out of the ring and Creed takes the microphone. He states that they will not let this match continue until Vic Viceroy comes to the ring for a little discussion since they have been trying to contact him all week to no avail.

'Ladies and Gentleman' by Saliva plays and Viceroy comes to the ring. Rowdy Richie takes the microphone and declares that since he never lost the NoW Heavyweight Title, he should be first in line for a title shot. Creed demands that Viceroy place them main event tonight for a chance at the #1 contendership. Viceroy states that he usually doesn't give in to demands from anyone, but they make valid points. Before he can say anything 'Funky Boss' by the Beastie Boys plays and NoW CEO and President Jason Richmond makes his way tot he stage.

Richmond comes, flanked by the two gentlemen who attacked Dave Jumper last Sunday and then made their presence known at the Genesis PPV. Richmond states that while he agrees with what Richie says, Viceroy is right they just can't come out and make demands. He proposes that the MOB Squad gets a chance to earn their spot. He then states that since the MOB squad liked making the 3 way dance a 2 on 1 to team up on The Hand, how about the match becomes 3 on 2.

He introduces the men with him as Quinn O'Lafferty and Decklin Fitzgerald. They are known as the Irish Car Bombs. Richmond stated that he came into this version of NoW holding no grudges and was going to be a kinder, gentler owner. While that still rings true, it also rings true that you don't cross the boss. So when Rowdy Richie decided to help get Richmond to the ring 'At the Armory' he and RC Extreme came on a short list of people that needed to be taught a lesson, and the Car Bombs were just the people he needed to teach that lesson.

So the match restarts as the Hand is still recovering from the 2 on 1 attack earlier. Fizgerald and Creed start the match off and The Car Bombs show some smooth tag team work early cutting off the ring and keeping Creed from making the tag to his MOB partner. Eventually Creed battles his way to his corner and makes the hot tag to Rowdy Richie. The MOB Squad then find their rhythm, absolutely punishing O' Lafferty, ending the assault with a Train Wreck and a tag to Creed for an Armageddon for the pinfall and their place in the main event.

MAGNUS is coming
Next we see a video package for the massive Magnus who will be making his debut next week on Fusion.
Judge vs. Y2Dodgico
Y2Dogico hits the ring with a fury over the judge, showing a distinct brawling edge to him that we haven't seen yet from this newcomer to the wrestling scene. Y2Dodgico keeps the Judge in the corner nailing him with right hands until the Judge finally powers out of the corner but is met with a dropkick from Y2D.

Y2D continues on the attack and eventually gets The Judge in the Lion Tamer in the center of the ring and the Judge taps out.

The Television Title
Vic Viceroy comes to the ring with a case being rolled behind him. He gets into the ring and announces that the 2nd PPV of this era of the Nation of Wrestling 'Mass Destruction' will be held August 20 at the Oakley Lindsey Center in Quincy, IL. Also at this PPV will see the return of the Bruiserweight Championship.

For those who don't know the NoW Bruiserweight division is one unique to the NoW. A Bruiserweight match is a no DQ, no countout match. To win the match you must execute a move off the top rope and use a foreign object before you can record a pinfall or submission. There is only one problem with reinstating the Bruiserweight Title. In 2003, the TV Title was Unified with the Cruiserweight title to create the Bruiserweight Division when Tremier Vampyre defeated Deakin Kalloway to create the Bruiserweight Division.

So in fairness to the history of the Bruiserweight Title Viceroy is forced to strip Freddy Hero of the TV title. The crowd boos as Freddy Hero hastily makes his way to the ring, TV title in hand and demands an explaination from Viceroy. Viceroy grins and tells him not to fret, because in the sake of preserving history Freddy Hero will be making history.

Viceroy then opens the case he brought down to the ring with him and hands Freddy Hero the NoW Icon Championship and declares that Freddy Hero is the first NoW Icon Champion. Viceroy leave the ring and Hero celebrates his new championship.

Dave Jumper vs. Mr. Pico
In this match, Mr. Pico makes his NoW debut. It appears that Pico is in some sort of tandem with President Richmond as the Irish Car Bombs join him at ringside to face Dave Jumper. The match goes back and forth with Pico getting the early upper hand, using a unique combination of speed and brawling.

Jumper comes back though, using a series of submission holds that nearly make Pico tap out but he is helped to the ropes by distractions from the Car Bombs. Pico then gains the advantage on Jumper but the momentum shifts after Pico misses a splash in the corner and Dave Jumper jumps off the second rope and lands a kick to the head. Jumper picks Pico up into the torture rack position for the Jumping the shark but O'Lafferty cause a distraction allowing Pico to get free and hit a reverse neck breaker and a mic check for the win.

After the match the Car Bombs hit the ring to attack Jumper but the MOB Squad comes in to make the save. After the Car Bombs retreat the MOB Squad tries to help Jumper up but he does not appreciate it. He swings off their helping hands and heads to the back, cussing the car bombs and President Richmond.

Girls, Girls, Girls
We see President Richmond in the back having an intense conversation with someone on his cell phone. He tells the person on the phone to 'Do anything you can to get him out, we need him to help ratings!' he is approached by NoW Legend Lexxy Draiven and Kaleyo. They're calling Richmond a sexist for not having a Women's Division in the Nation of Wrestling. Richmond explains that in the past he has been anti-women's wrestling in the past, but the more gentlemanly, fan friendly Jason Richmond announced that at 'Mass Destruction' there will be a match to determine the first 'NoW Vixen's Champion'. Kaleyo and Draiven look pleased as Richmond excuse himself to handle some important matters.
Extreme & Hero v. Pain & Brezhnev v. M.O.B.Squad
The revised Main Event is announced that it will be a three way tag match with the first team to secure a pinfall or submission will be declared the winner.

Richie , Pico, and Hero start the match out and the tensions between the Icon Champion and the only PhD holder in the NoW run high as they immediately start brawling. Richie wipes his hands and slides back to his corner and watches the two men brawl with Creed. Richie comes alive when Professor Pain goes for a pin and breaks it up.

Richie then starts attacking Professor Pain and he wisely tags in Brezhnev who can match strength with the big man much better than the Professor can. Brezhnev is met with a double team from the two crowd favorites in Richie and Hero. Hero tags in RC Extreme and the two on one continues. Professor Pain is in the corner irrate that the match is not a fair 3 way and the faces are controlling Brezhnev!

Brezhnev finally hits a double clothesline out of despiration and makes the tag to Pain. Pain tries to out smart RC Extreme and the freshly tagged in Creed but even having a PhD doesn't help him against the Faces ripping off Pain's button down shirt and having a knife edge chop competition on his chest. Pain finally fights his way out, runs across the ring and knocks Hero off the apron and then ducks a double clothesline from his opposition and then hits a shoulder block on both men. He has momentum now as he levels the Heavyweight Champion with a drop kick. He is going after Creed now and Brezhnev tags himself in to the shock of Professor Pain. Brezhnev slams RC Extreme hard to the mat but turns around into a Train Wreck from the recently tagged in Rowdy Richie who covers him for a 1....2.....3.

The MOB Squad celebrates, helping the NoW Champions respectively to their feet as they will be now squaring off at "Mass Destruction" as we go off the air.