We open up the a small crowd gathered at the Admiral Coontz Armory in Hannibal, MO. The NoW ring is set up and ready to go as 'Ladies and Gentleman' plays and Vic Viceroy makes his way out to the ring. He announces that President Richmond has once again named him the commishioner of the Nation of Wrestling. He tells the NoW fans in attendance that they had to rent the Armory for tonight to get set up so why not have an impromptu card tonight!

Viceroy has a cart wheeled down to the ring with two cases in it. He opens one case and in it is the NoW Heavyweight Championship! He holds up the title and the crowd cheers. He announces that the Heavyweight Championship will in fact be decided tomorrow night at Genesis! He then pulls out what was the old NoW Television Title and announces that while the Heavyweight Title is being decided tomorrow, why not have a tournament tonight to decide who the TV Champion should be! The crowd cheers and Viceroy announces that 8 men will fight tonight in a single elimination tournament to decide the TV Champion!

Professor Pain PhD vs. Freddy Hero

The first match announced is Professor Pain vs. Freddy Hero. The crowd is firmly behind Hero. This match was extremely fast paced showing off that these two are two of the festest members of the NoW Roster. Hero got the early advantage after a back and forth exchange eventually clotheslining Pain to the floor. Once Pain got back in the ring though, he used his technical prowess to ground the fast paced style of Hero. Hero had to find the ropes a number of times to make Pain release a series of weardown holds. Eventually the weardowns got the best of Hero and Pain got him in the 'Final Exam' a chicken wing armlock. Hero fought hard and finally made it to the ropes and a frustrated Professor Pain kicked him to the outside. Hero tried to get back into the ring but Pain kept him at bay, kicking at him as he tried to get back to the apron. Pain finally went to the outside and the two brawled with Hero fighting back to everything Pain could throw at him. Eventually an obviously frustrated Pain used a chair on Hero, causing him to get disqualified.

WINNER BY DQ - Freddy Hero


Former NoW TV Champ RC Extreme made his way to the ring for the 2nd match of the Night. "I Fought the Law" by the Clash played and out came The Judge, but he was not dressed to wrestle. He stated that he had bigger fish to fry and RC Extreme could move on in the tournament, he didn't want anyone in the NoW to see what he was capable of until they meet him at Genesis and he walked out to a chorus of boos.



While this first matched featured speed this match featured power. The two biggest men in the NoW went toe to toe with the crowd booing every time Brezhnev got any offense in and cheering for the last NoW Heavyweight Champion Rowdy Richie every chance they got! Rowdy Richie took a huge advantage but Brezhnev kept barreling back. This bout was definitely a brawl and Brezhnev won it after drilling Richie into an exposed turn buckle and rolling up Richie with a handful of tights for the victory. Richie was visualably upset at Brezhnev bending the rules and left to the crowd at the Armory cheering him!

WINNER - Ivan Brezhnev

Dave Jumper came out next for the 4th match of the night. And Viceroy came back to the ring and stated that even though there is word that there are contract negotiations going on that there's only 7 wrestlers currently signed up for Genesis, but Jumper shouldn't get an automatic pass into the semifinals. Jumper got into Viceroy's face a bit and Viceroy told him to back up a bit and let him look over the roster. 'Well look here' he said. 'Looks like Jason Richmond put himself on the roster...' "Funky Boss" by the Beastie Boys plays and the crowd cheered that Richmond was going to be in a match, but the NoW President did not appear. Then on the stage Rowdy Richie and RC Extreme came out holding the struggling 5'6" owner of the Nation of Wrestling to the ring and tossed him in for his match.


Jumper toyed with Richmond, backing him into a corner at times but Richmond ducked out a few times. Jumper eventually caught Richmond and slammed him him hard to the mat. Richmond stayed on his back and begged Jumper to pin him. Jumper grinned and picked Richmond up and hit his finisher the 'Jumping the Shark' knocking Richmond out and getting the pinfall.



Two fan favorites squared off in the first semifinal match of the night. The crowd was definitely amped up for this match. The experience of RC Extreme came into play early as he got the early advantage. Hero then used his speed to gain the uphand but was distracted by the Professor Pain coming down to the ring with a yellow legal pad taking notes. Hero and RC Extreme went back and forth until Extreme went for the Extreme Dream and Hero ducked it. At the same moment the Professor rose up from his chair and the distraction caused a stop in Hero's momentum. He turned around into an Extreme Dream but before he could get the pinfall the Professor came into the ring and clocked RC Extreme with the chair he was sitting in, causing Freddy Hero to win by DQ.

WINNER BY DQ - Freddy Hero

As Freddy Hero was announced the winner the Professor moved towards the back, slowly clapping for both competitors as they come to and both realize what happened. Hero extends his hand to Extreme and he shakes it and they both glare at the Professor.


In the next battle the big Russian took on the cocky Dave Jumper. Jumper kept the big Russian at bay with a series of kicks that brought him down to one knee. A kick to the back of the head took the man from St. Petersberg down to the canvas. He kept Ivan down with a headlock but Ivan used his brute force to pick Jumper up and landed on his back slamming Jumper hard to the mat. Ivan took control after that but Jumper regained the upper hand after ducking a big clothesline. Jumper was poised but went to lift the biggest man in the NoW up for the 'Jumping the Shark' and couldn't get the big man up. This lead to Ivan hitting the 'Red Star' backbreaker and pinning Dave Jumper for the trip to the TV Title finals.


After the match Dave Jumper was attacked by two unknown men who left him laying in the center of the ring with no explaination.


The finals of the tournament could not have been scripted any better. The huge crowd favorite against the man the crowd loved to boo. Hero evaded a big clothesline early and hit a big shoulderbreaker off the ropes to stagger Brezhnev into the corner. Brezhnev shoved his way out of the corner after a few hard shots from Hero. He powered across the ring and hit a big clothesline that completely flipped Freddy Hero over. Brezhnev stomped Hero hard on the mat, picked him up and dumped him out to the floor. Ivan flexed for the crowd and they ferociously booed him. Brezhnev then went to pick Hero back into the ring and Freddy pulled Brezhnev into a guillotine on the top rope. As Ivan held his throat as Hero came in on the attack. The crowd was pumped up as Hero went on a roll. After a series of chops, Hero hit a big spear and went for the cover but only got a two count. Brezhnev tried to get up but Hero kept him down with kicks to the ribcage area. Hero went for a pinfall but was caught off guard by an Anaconda Vice. Ivan thought he victory but Freddy Hero got to the ropes and Brezhnev was forced to break the hold. He argued with the ref and when he turned around Freddy Hero hit 'The Save' out of no where and pinned Ivan Brezhnev to become to the NoW TV Champion!


Freddy Hero is presented with the TV Title as the show closes!